• 30 JAN 06
    • 0

    Microwave News on the Interphone studies

    From Louis Slesin, editor of Microwave News:

    Dear Colleagues:

    On Friday afternoon, the American Journal of Epidemiology posted the results of the German Interphone study on its Web site. They point to a brain tumor risk after ten years of cell phone use.

    This finding is based on a small number of cases and is not statistically significant.

    But, when you put these results in the context of some of the other
    Interphone papers as well as the work of Lennart Hardell and Kjell Hansson Mild, we find it hard to shake the suspicion that there may indeed be a tumor risk associated with long-term use of mobile phones.

    We have put it all together and we encourage you to check out our
    commentary: “Is There a Ten-Year Latency for Cell Phone Tumor Development?” at:

    Louis Slesin

    Louis Slesin, PhD
    Editor, Microwave News
    A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation
    Phone: +1 (212) 517-2800; Fax: +1 (212) 734-0316
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    New York, NY 10021, U.S.A.

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