More on depression and EMR
From Alfonso Balmori:
On this topic see also:
1) Environmental power-frequency magnetic fields and suicide. Perry FS, Reichmanis M, Marino AA, Becker R,
1:Health Phys. 1981 Aug;41(2):267-77.
2) Reichmanis, M., Perry, F. S., Marino, A. A., and Becker, R. O. 1979.Relation between suicide and the electromagnetic field of overhead power lines. Physiol. Chem. Phys. 11:395-403.
3) Savitz D., Boyle CA., Holmgreen P., Prevalence of depression among electrical workers. Am. J. Indust. Med. 1994. 25: 165-176.
4) Verkasalo, P. K., Kaprio, J., Varjonen, J., Romanov, K., Heikkila, K., and Koskenvuo, M. 1997. Magnetic fields of transmission lines and depression. Am. J. Epidemiol. 146:1037-1045.
Best regards.
Alfonso Balmori