Summary of EHS paper from O. Johansson
From Olle JOhansson:
Dear All,
I have now made a short summary of our recent article:
Holmboe G, Johansson O, “Symptombeskrivning samt förekomst av IgE och positiv Phadiatop Combi hos personer med funktionsnedsättningen elöverkänslighet”, (=“Description of symptoms as well as occurrence of IgE and positive Phadiatop Combi in persons with the physical impairment electrohypersensitivity”, in Swedish), Medicinsk Access 2005; 1 (5): 58-63
In this paper, the functional impairment electrohypersensitivity is
investigated. The aim of the study was to characterize the complex set of symptoms and to order them according to the WHO’s ICQ10 register of diagnoses. Furthermore, we also tested for the presence of increased levels of IgE or signs of a positive Phadiatop Combi (which is a screening test for allergies towards certain articles of food, pollen, insects and other animals) which both would be indicators of an immune system alert. If such increases would be found, they could then be used in the diagnosis of electrohypersensitivity.
Twenty-two persons (5 men, 17 women) participated. The age range was between 25 and 79 years. The symptoms were given in a ranked scale where the symptoms were attributed points according to the following: 0 = no symptoms at all, 1 = occasional, mild symptoms 2 = occasional, severe symptoms 3 = regular, mild symptoms 4 = regular, severe symptoms.
Symptoms of the skin and the nervous systems dominated the picture. The most frequent ones were skin redness, eczema and sweating, loss of memory, concentration difficulties, sleep disturbances, dizziness as well as muscular and joint-related pain, and muscular and joint-related weakness. Headache, faintness, nose blockade and fatigue were also common. In addition, 19 of the persons had symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract. All (!) the persons with the impairment electrohypersensitivity had tinnitus.
No connection between IgE blood levels and symptoms could be found, all the persons with electrohypersensitivity had normal values (<122 kU/l). Only 3 persons had a positive Phadiatop Combi.
In summary, it is of paramount importance to continue the investigation of persons with the impairment electrohypersensitivity. We would favour studies of electromagnetic fields’ interaction with mast cell release of histamine and other biologically active substances, studies of lymphocyte viability as well as studies of the newly described serotonin-containing melanocytes. Also, continued analysis of the intraepidermal nerve fibers and their relations to these mast cells and serotonin-containing melanocytes are very important. Finally, not to be forgotten, a general investigation – of persons with the impairment electrohypersensitivity versus normal healthy volunteers – regarding the above markers as well as other markers for cell traffic, proliferation and inflammation is very much needed.
Such scientific work may lay a firm foundation for necessary adjustment of accessibility, thus helping and supporting all persons with the impairment electrohypersensitivity.
Best regards
(Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm