WHO Favors the Electric Utility Industry
Message forwarded on from Microwave News:
In early October, for the first time in 20 years, the World Health
Organization (WHO) will assemble a panel to recommend a new set of exposure guidelines for power-frequency EMFs.
Few people have heard about the meeting. Yet, the electric utility industry will be there in force, sitting in on, and no doubt participating in, the weeklong deliberations.
Five years ago, the Committee of Experts on Tobacco Industry Documents issued a 260-page report documenting the tobacco industry=B9s strategies to undermine the work of the WHO. (The full report is available at:
In response, the WHO issued 15 pages of recommendations on how to make sure its work is never subverted again. Go to:
Yet, it seems that the WHO is unable to apply the hard lessons it learned from tobacco to other potentially harmful agents. Instead, the WHO now simply invites the industry to be part of the process.
We have posted on our Web site the names and affiliations of those who Mike Repacholi, the head of the WHO EMF project, has invited to observe the task group meeting in Geneva. You will also find the full list of panel members. Simply go to:
Louis Slesin
P.S. Access to all the information on our Web site is freely available to
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Louis Slesin, PhD
Editor, Microwave News
A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation
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