• 27 SEP 05
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    London conference: Trust in experts

    Taking Stock of Trust

    ESRC SCARR network and CARR centre, LSE

    Rosebery Hall, London, 12 December 2005.

    Participation by pre-booking only.

    Early Bird price (to October 21): £15

    After October 21: £25

    Full details at: http://www.kent.ac.uk/scarr/events/trustcontext.htm

    Trust and social progress

    Professor Lord Layard, Centre for Economic Performance, LSE
    Trust, travel and proximity

    Professor John Urry, University of Lancaster
    Discussant: Professor Mike Power, CARR, LSE.

    Why do people still trust doctors?

    Professor Mike Calnan, University of Bristol
    Discussant: Professor Chris Hood, University of Oxford.

    A psychological approach to understanding how trust is built and lost
    Professor Richard Eiser, University of Sheffield and Dr Matthew White, Jena
    Discussant: Professor Graham Loomes, University of East Anglia

    Trust enables people to collaborate, negotiate and trade under conditions of uncertainty. The demands placed on trust in a more complex and globalised economy, where people live more flexible and diverse lives, are growing, at a time when trust in experts, public authorities and other institutions is increasingly questioned. This one-day conference will analyse developments and discuss future directions in trust research.

    Peter Taylor-Gooby, AcSS
    +44 (0)1227 827514
    SSPSSR, CoNE, University of Kent, CT2 7NF
    Risk: http://www.kent.ac.uk/scarr

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