• 04 AUG 05
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    Microwave News on Repacholi’s precautionary policy

    For the first time I must strongly disagree with Louis Slesin, editor of Microwave News, when he suggests sending Mike Repacholi back to Australia. Hey – I live there! May I suggest an alternative destination. In the centre of Fallugia, dressed in a US General’s uniform. Knowing Mike however, he would probably talk his way out of that one as well.



    Dear Colleague:

    If for a short moment, you actually thought that MikeRepacholi had done the right thing and was promoting a precautionary policy to protect children from mobile phone radiation health risks, you had better read our latest commentary,


    Those of you who know Mike and the way he works will not be surprised. We only wonder what will it take for people to get fed up and send him home to Australia!

    Louis Slesin, PhD
    Microwave News, A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation
    155 East 77th Street
    New York, NY 10021, USA
    Phone: +1 (212) 517-2800; Fax: +1 (212) 734-0316
    E-mail: mwn@pobox.com

    P.S. Access to all the information on our Web site is freely available to all. Please help support Microwave News, please send us a contribution so we can stay on the Web.

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