Qld. Planning & Environmental Court sets 4 mG level
For those groups fighting inappropriate siting of power transmission lines, the following 2002 decision from the Planning & Environmental Court of Queensland (Australia) is a useful document.
Citation: Energex Ltd. v Logan City Council & Ors [2002] QPEC 001
Delivered on: 11 January 2002
Exerpt from pages 19-20:
” (g) The existing overhead 11 kV feeder lines connected to the substation (other than any 11 kV feeder line in Sewell Road) shall be reverse phased (or alternatively configured) to the nominated junction of eack feeder line as shown on Drawing Number 5 to achieve the minimum Average Magnetic Flux Density levels that are reasonably practicable with the objective of achieving where reasonably practicable an Average Magnetic Flux Density not exceeding 4 milligauss at the Locations identified in paragraph (k) (iv), (v) and (vi).
(h) At any of the Locations identified in paragraph (k) (i), (ii) and (iii) the Average Magnetic Flux Density caused by the substation, the feeder lines connected to the substation or any distribution transformer, shall not exceed (4) milligauss except:
(i) during a declared state of emergency; or
(ii) for a period not exceeding 14 calendar days in total in a calendar year in the case of:
(A) fault conditions; or
(B) emergencies (other than a declared state of emergency; or
(iii) when maintenance work is being undertaken provided the limit is not exceeded for a period not exceeding 7 calendar days in total in a calendar year.”
(Following that there are requirements for Energex to take magnetic flux density readings for relevant land owners. Download the report at:
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