Mobile phones ‘can trigger skin allergies’
Mobile phones ‘can trigger skin allergies’
RADIATION from mobile phones can trigger reactions in
people with skin allergies, according to new research.
Tests showed exposure to microwaves produced by
mobiles can cause an allergic response in people who
have eczema or dermatitis. A Japanese scientist made
the discovery after testing blood samples that showed
phone users had higher levels of chemicals pumped out
by the immune system when there was an allergic
Dr Hajime Kimata first found evidence that mobiles
triggered skin allergies two years ago, but sought
more proof. The latest study, published in the journal
Allergy, appears to confirm the link. An estimated 50
million mobiles are used in the UK and research is
ongoing into the safety of prolonged use.
UK experts have ruled out any health risks. But a
recent study showed using a mobile in a rural area
more than trebled the risk of a brain tumour because
of the higher emissions needed to transmit a signal.
Children have also been advised to limit mobile use.
British allergy experts said the results were
interesting but there was no scientific explanation
for why radiation would increase allergic responses.
Professor Tony Frew, of Southampton University, added:
“This study adds to the evidence that microwave
radiation may do strange things that we don’t quite