There are 34 files, weighing 17.6 MiB with 142,788 hits in Papers by Don Maisch.

Displaying 1 to 34 of 34 files.

Papers by Don Maisch

  60 years since Sient Spring: Where are we now?
» 343.7 KiB - 614 hits - February 22, 2024
An examination of the possible biological impacts of human exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals on early life, sexual identity and male fertility decline

  60 years since Silent Spring: Where are we now?
» 343.7 KiB - 0 hits - February 22, 2024
An examination of the possible biological impacts of human exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals on early life, sexual identity and male fertility decline

  Brillouin Precursor discussion paper
» 187.6 KiB - 484 hits - July 31, 2022
Brillouin Precursors, a theoretical oddity or a real concern for 5G millimetre-wave bands to be used in future high-speed telecommunications?

» 231.0 KiB - 1,004 hits - October 30, 2020

  5G community concerns: Real or imagined?
» 228.2 KiB - 2,593 hits - April 25, 2019
An examination of the controversy over increasing community concerns over the 5G network rollout and expert assurances of a lack of risk

  Spin in the Antipodes: A history of industry involvement in telecommunications health research in Australia (Updated)
» 507.2 KiB - 3,758 hits - August 17, 2018
Chapter 16 from "Corporate Ties That Bind".

  Tasmania’s new electricity smart metering roll-out Why opting out may be your wisest, and healthiest choice
» 576.1 KiB - 1,974 hits - July 11, 2018

  A curate's egg: Queensland’s Guidelines for managing 50 Hz magnetic fields in office buildings
» 215.9 KiB - 1,279 hits - November 20, 2016
Why Queensland's guidelines for managing 50 Hertz (power frequency) magnetic fields in office buildings is inadequate for employee safety.

  The UK’s Science Media Centre model of science communication An uncensored history
» 264.5 KiB - 4,072 hits - February 23, 2016
A history of the UK Science Media Centre and vested interest control over science journalism

  AEMC submission
» 615.3 KiB - 841 hits - March 18, 2015
Comments on the Consultation Paper, National Electricity Amendment (Demand Management Incentive Scheme( Rule 2015

  A critique of the New Zealand report: “Health and Safety Aspects of Electricity Smart Meters”
» 701.3 KiB - 9,033 hits - March 4, 2014
A critique of a widely circulated report: "Health and Safety Aspects of Electricity Smart Meters" produced by New Zealand’s Electric Power Engineering Centre (EPEC) at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch in 2012

  Smart meter submission: An incomplete Benefit-Cost analysis and the urgent need for research
» 608.0 KiB - 2,531 hits - January 22, 2014
Comments on the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ document no. D.P.U. 12-76-A. Investigation by the Department of Public Utilities on its own Motion into Modernization of the Electric Grid, December 23, 2013

  The Smart Electricity Grid: Claims, Pitfalls, and Unintended Consequences
» 5.0 MiB - 6,601 hits - December 1, 2013
PDF of a Powerpoint presentation examining the smart grid given in late November 2013 in Christchurch and Auckland New Zealand

  Smart meter case histories
» 1.2 MiB - 8,067 hits - September 11, 2013
Ten case histories of people in Melbourne who are suffering health problems after a smart meter was installed near their bedroom (or in one case their workstation). Part of a Powerpoint presentation.

  An opinion on British Columbia's smart meter Infrastructure Project
» 1.4 MiB - 3,968 hits - January 22, 2013
A scientific opinion on the current telecommunications frequency human exposure standards as they pertain to human exposure to radio frequency/microwave (RF/MW) emissions from British Columbia's FortisBC’s proposed Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Project. This involves the installation of AMI “smart meters” in all homes and businesses of its customers.

  A precautionary public health policy for cell phone, smart phone and cordless phone use
» 196.5 KiB - 6,846 hits - January 8, 2013

  Smart Meter Health Concerns: Just A Nocebo Effect or an Emerging Public Health Nightmare?
» 313.0 KiB - 5,833 hits - September 6, 2012
Unintended health consequences of wireless smart meters

» 1,021.7 KiB - 4,085 hits - June 19, 2012
Comments and recommendations on the Draft report: Safety of Advanced Metering Infrastructure in Victoria

  Critique of a thesis
» 698.0 KiB - 2,188 hits - September 18, 2011
RE: Review of the thesis “Evidence Based Rationale for Standards Providing Protection for Human Populations against Health Effects of Ultra High Frequency Radio-Frequency”

  Submission to the IARC on its RF/MW cancer assessment process
» 422.9 KiB - 4,741 hits - May 5, 2011
The problem of conflict of interest & commercial influence in WHO agencies and the need for public interest representation

  Hazards of a proposed subdivision next to HV transmission line
» 199.6 KiB - 2,376 hits - April 28, 2011
The Lauderdale Cottage Unit Development : Is the proximity to the Nyrstar transmission line a public health hazard for future residents?

  Silencing inconvenient research in Sweden
» 236.1 KiB - 4,286 hits - September 5, 2010
The death of the No-Risk and Healthy Office projects, JACNEM Vol. 29, No. 2, Sept. 2010 (corrected copy), with Olle Johansson

  Hungerford /Energex transmission line case
» 573.3 KiB - 4,413 hits - May 15, 2009
An analysis of risks associated with the proposed Energex Suncoast 132 kV Powerline Project’s “option J’ in relation to the Hungerford and nearby properties at Forest Glen, Queensland.

  Breast cancer cluster at the Brisbane ABC studios at Toowong
» 235.0 KiB - 6,362 hits - January 1, 2007
An independent perspective on extremely low frequency magnetic fields as a possible risk factor for the breast cancer cluster at the Brisbane ABC studios at Toowong Queensland Don Maisch, John Podd and Bruce Rapley

  Electromagnetic Fields in the Built Environment
» 228.4 KiB - 8,298 hits - August 30, 2006
BDP Environment Design Guide – Design for Minimal Radiation Exposure – Don Maisch, John Podd and Bruce Rapley – August 2006, Gen 76

  Dangers of DECT cordless phones
» 87.8 KiB - 7,243 hits - August 5, 2006
Medical warnings needed on DECT cordless phone use JACNEM, Vol. 25 No. 2 August 2006

  Conflict of Interest and Bias in Health Advisory Committees
» 285.8 KiB - 4,523 hits - April 30, 2006
A case study of industry influence on the WHO’s EMF Task Group. JACNEM, Vol. 25 No. 1, pages 15-17, April 2006

  ICNIRP critique
» 333.5 KiB - 5,677 hits - May 15, 2005
The ICNIRP Guidelines: RF risk assessment built on a house of cards

  Notes on New Zealand's NRL/Transpower “EMF Health Forums”
» 261.3 KiB - 6,010 hits - April 7, 2005
When Risk Management Goes Wrong New Zealand public health agencies fail public trust over Transpower’s proposed 400 kV transmission line from Whakamaru to Auckland

  Moscow mobile phone conference (2004)
» 70.8 KiB - 2,689 hits - December 10, 2004
Notes on the International Conference Mobile Communications and Health: Medical, Biological and Social Problems Sept 20 – 22, 2004, Moscow, Russia

  Motorola's Micky Mouse review
» 33.7 KiB - 2,556 hits - February 24, 2004
Bypassing Peer Review: Motorola’s influence on mobile phone research in Australia (Or: Beware of Mickey Mouse Reviews)

  Children and mobile phone use
» 49.8 KiB - 6,041 hits - August 7, 2003
Children and Mobile Phones ... Is There a Health Risk? The case for extra precautions, JACNEM, Vol. 22 No. 2; August 2003

  Reducing EMF exposure improves sleep and reduces CFS symptoms
» 92.1 KiB - 4,490 hits - October 11, 2002
Poster presentation at the 2nd International Workshop on "Biological effects of Electromagnetic fields", 7-11 October 2002 , Rhodes, Greece. J. Podd, D. Maisch

  EMF exposure and CFS health status study
» 120.6 KiB - 7,312 hits - April 15, 2002
Changes in Health Status in a Group of CFS and CF Patients Following Removal of ® Excessive 50 Hz Magnetic Field Exposure, JACNEM, Vol. 21, No. 1; April 2002. Co authors: P. Podd, B. Rapley