Independent information on the possible health and safety issues arising from human exposure to electromagnetic energy.

From the Blog

  • Independent Elektrosmog Report now available in English

    One of the longest-running newsletters on the health and environmental impact of electromagnetic fields and radiation —the ElektrosmogReport— is now available in English.
    Diagnose:Funk, a consumer and environmental protection group, is translating the German-language original and making it available at no charge.
    “We want to offer scientists and the public an unbiased view of what new research shows,” said Peter Hensinger, a member of D:F’s board, based in Stuttgart, Germany.

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  • Microwave News: New Clues on Colorectal Cancer in Young Adults

    Could the common habit of keeping a cell phone in a trouser pocket help explain why so many young people have been developing colon and rectal cancer over the last 20 years?Maybe so, according to a new study presented last month at the annual conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology in Santiago, Chile.

    Depending on where you carry the phone, the cancer risk, usually small among those under 50, might be up to 12 times higher.

    It’s only a pilot study and the results are uncertain, but there aren’t many other known risk factors beyond obesity, smoking, bad diet and lack of exercise, which cannot fully explain what’s going on.

    Still, this new hypothesis is facing resistance.

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  • New paper; Spots with Extremely High Radiofrequency Radiation After Deployment of 5G Base Stations in Stockholm, Sweden

    During recent years there is an on-going deployment of 5G base stations for radiofrequency [RF] communication in Sweden as well in many other countries. This is made without investigations on risks to human health and the environment. Since 2016 we have made several measurements of environmental exposure to RF radiation in Stockholm, Sweden, including previous generations and now also 5G. In the current study, performed in October 2023, the broadband meter Narda-550 with the probe EF-1891 was used. It gives results in the root mean square [RMS] mode, thus not peak levels. Both the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection [ICNIRP] and the US Federal Communications Commission [FCC] base their guidelines on RMS levels of RF radiation. Measurements were made in similar city areas as in our previous studies. Results show that the RF radiation has increased substantially. SNIP

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  • Microwave News: Old Wine in New Bottles: The New WHO Cancer Review

    Cell phones and cancer have been much in the news over the last couple of weeks, thanks to a new review commissioned by the World Health Organization. The coverage would have us believe that it’s game over: The issue has been settled and it’s time to move on. Don’t buy it. The fact is that

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  • Summary of seven Swedish case reports on the microwave syndrome associated with 5G radiofrequency radiation

    Excerpt from the abstract:

    The fifth generation, 5G, for wireless communication is currently deployed in Sweden since 2019/2020, as well as in many other countries. We have previously published seven case reports that include a total of 16 persons aged between 4 and 83 years that developed the microwave syndrome within short time after being exposed to 5G base stations close to their dwellings…SNIP

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