• 16 JUL 06
    • 0

    #519: Repacholi now says radiation is good for you!

    The weblog version of this message is at:

    From Eileen O’Connor:

    Just when we though we had got rid of him, he turns up like a bad penny. We’ve all just had a gut full of watching Repacholi on TV, BBC 2 Horizon programme. The programme was about Chernobyl.

    ** Chernobyl’s ‘nuclear nightmares’ **

    “Claims that thousands will die as a result of the Chernobyl disaster are unfounded, scientists tell the Horizon programme.”

    He [Repacholi] was saying that they need to re-evaluate the whole radiation spectrum as they now believe that radiation does not harm as much as they previously believed and it might also protect against cancer!!!!!!!

    The programme presented a very one sided view.

    Take a look at some of Repacholi’s friends who featured on the programme:

    Professor Ron Chesser, of Texas Tech University, US, http://www.biol.ttu.edu/fac_staff.asp?tp=faculty&name=Ron_Chesser
    page 7

    I currently have a three-year grant to act as a communication specialist and chief scientist for the DOE Low-Dose Research program. This is a $20 Million dollar a year 10 year program which is directed toward providing a scientific base for radiation protection standards after very low exposures to ionizing radiation. As outlined above this grant provides me with $570,280 dollars over a three year period. This grant will provide most (70-80%) of my salary, travel money and a part time secretary. My role in this program is to:
    * Provide scientific and technical support for the DOE Low-Dose Research Program.
    *Facilitate the interactions between DOE, scientists, regulatory and scientific committees, and other government and regulatory agencies.

    *Provide a focal point for generation of educational materials and for communication of research results between the scientists, decision-makers and the public.

    All the best

    Eileen O”™Connor

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