• 21 FEB 11
    • 0

    1358: Iatrogenic or snake oil medicine

    I recently was notified of the website of Dr. Peterson from the Center To Expose Iatrogenic Medicine. The term iatrogenic can be defined as any adverse condition in a patient as a consequence of improper treatment or advice by a medical practitioner.

    Link: http://www.drdalepeterson.com/RFMW2_8f5d6a15841927fe281e9d2e64.html

    Dr Peterson has a very interesting series of articles on the dangers of wireless technologies and mentions a number of well known researchers. I was considering making a direct link on my site to Dr. Petersons until I clicked on the products for sale. Lo and Behold we have:

    1) The Cell Phone Dot for only $45. You stick it on the phone and it “provides protection from cell phone frequencies while boosting battery life.

    2) The EP2E Pendant for only $119 that “provides protection comparable to the Q2 for 1/3rd the price”

    So, provided you take Dr Peterson’s advice to purchase and use one of these wacko devices (perhaps he gives a discount if you purchase both?) you and your children are supposed to be protected against an increased risk of a brain tumour. No advice on the necessity of reducing exposure or taking sensible precautions, especially for children – nothing – just purchase a wacko device and you and your family are protected.

    Now, if the purchaser later develops a brain tumour or acoustic neuroma next to where the phone is held that could be considered as an iatrogenic condition caused by bad advice from Dr Peterson.

    I can think of a more appropriate term for a medical practitioner who alerts his readers to the dangers of wireless technology and then offers false solutions at a tidy profit.


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