Multerland on ICNIRP’s new chairman, Rodney Croft

I just read several recent posts by the blog site Multerland which is described as an educational blog about the hidden dangers of wireless, cell phone radiation and 5G, care for the earth, nature, natural health, spirituality, psychology, deep ecology, and wholism. One posting of particular interest examined the appointment of Rodney Croft as ICNIRP’s new chairman. And there’s more postings of relevance!

Excerpt: ICNIRP’s new chair: Rodney James Croft Posted on July 10, 2020 by Multerland In May 2020

Rodney J. Croft has become the chairman of ICNIRP, the world’s most powerful EMF safety guidelines decision maker. Too few people understand the impact of ICNIRP on their health, the essential role of ICNIRP in the difficulties to Stop 5G, to criticize wireless radiation. “An observation one could make based on what has been discussed above, is that ICNIRP is simultaneously one of the most powerful and one of the least-known non-governmental organisations (NGO’s) in the world. Powerful, because for almost three decades, ICNIRP has enjoyed a monopoly in the regulation of exposure to EMFs through their guidelines thanks to the stamp of approval of the WHO. For the past 30 years, and currently, this advice and these guidelines, are to a large extent followed by governments all over the world. In every annual report, by any major telecom company, you will find references to ICNIRP in any discussion or statement on the safety of their mobile phones. ICNIRP garners huge influence worldwide, functioning on a modest yearly budget of around 140.000 euro, and yet ICNIRP is largely unknown by the general public.” Source: Klaus Buchner and Michèle Rivas (European Parliament) …SNIP