• 26 NOV 05
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    Part 2: Breast Cancer, Tamoxifen and EMFs

    Following on from Louis Slesin’s message on Breast Cancer, Tamoxifen and EMFs, below is the link to an old paper that I wrote on this subject that was published in Hansard, 27 October 1997. Looks like now is the time to dust it off for a major re-write….


    The Breast Cancer/EMF connection: Melatonin, Tamoxifen,
    50-60 Hertz Electromagnetic Fields and Breast Cancer

    An Australian Senate discussion Paper, 27 October 1997 (published in Hansard)

    Don Maisch, EMFacts Consultancy.

    According to recent statistics, breast cancer in Australia effects one in 14 women, kills one in 27 and is increasing at a rate of 3% annually. These figures reflect a growing community concern and as a consequence, in 1995 the Federal Government allocated $3 million over a 3 year period, solely for breast cancer studies.

    It is unfortunate however, that apparently no current Australian breast cancer research is examining the growing evidence that low level exposures to 50-60 hertz electromagnetic fields (EMF) may block melatonin’s ability to suppress breast cancer cells and reduce the pineal gland’s nocturnal production of melatonin, thereby increasing susceptibility to breast cancer. This evidence consists of both human and laboratory studies, some of which are summarised in this paper. Almost all of these studies have been conducted only within the last few years and are still awaiting the peer review process which can take years to complete. As a result, many of these studies do not yet constitute part of the body of substantiated scientific evidence, often referred to by national and international expert regulatory groups, such as the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).

    Full paper is available at:


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