• 24 OCT 05
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    Corporate Corruption of Science and more

    HIGHLY recommended reading: The International Journal of Occupational And Environmental Health, Special Issue, Volume II, Number 4, October – December 2005


    “A NOTE ON THIS ISSUE: The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) budget provides less research and training funding to occupational health and safety with each succeeding year, while at the same time funds for biomedical research and education are increased. Conversely, private commercial funding of university research has expanded dramatically over the past decades. This funding has grown to more than $2 billion, making US universities more dependent on private commercial funding than ever before. The extent of corporate-funded science is troubling because, as feature contributors Egilman and Rankin-Bohme point out, industry funding is accompanied by a “substantial tradition of manipulation of evidence, data, and analysis, ultimately designed to maintain favorable conditions for industry, at both the material and ideological levels.”

    Feature: Corporate Corruption of Science


    Table of Contents by Title and Authors (with links)
    English (72K)

    Feature: Corporate Corruption of Science
    English (84K)
    Although occupational and environmental diseases are often viewed as isolated and unique failures of science, the government, or industry to protect the best interest of the public, they are in fact an outcome of a pervasive system of corporate priority setting, decision making, and influence. This system produces disease because political, economic, regulatory and ideological norms prioritize values of wealth and profit over human health and environmental well-being. Science is a key part of this system; there is a substantial tradition of manipulation of evidence, data, and analysis, ultimately designed to maintain favorable conditions for industry at both material and ideological levels. This issue offers examples of how corporations influence science, shows the effects that influence has on environmental and occupational health, and provides evidence of a systemic problem.

    Maximizing Profit, Endangering Health
    English (100K)

    Industry Funding on Health Nonprofits
    English (80K)

    Business Bias: Epidemiology May Fail
    English (64K)

    Epidemiology Abuse: Auto Makers vs Asbestos Liability
    English (108K)

    OSHA and 1,3-Butadiene Classification
    English (72K)

    Industry Assailts EPA’s 1,3-Butadiene Classification
    English (132K)

    Ethyl-leaded Gas, Public Health Disaster
    English (148K)

    Keeping a Toxic Product on the Market
    English (78K)

    Flouride Poisoning: Hidden Issues
    English (108K)

    Promotion of Sewage Sludge “Recycling”
    English (136K)

    Corporate Influence in Debate over GM Crops
    English (96K)

    Use of Trade Negotiations to Undercut Protections
    English (88K)

    Systemic Approach to OEH
    English (140K)

    Chevron-Texaco’s Science
    English (52K)

    Volume Index

    Index to Volume 11

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