• 07 FEB 22

    Pittsfield Board of Health votes to send cease and desist order to Verizon for cell tower

    Excerpt: PITTSFIELD, Mass. – After months of neighbors calling for action, the Pittsfield Board of Health voted unanimously Wednesday to send a cease and desist order to Verizon if the company doesn’t address concerns over the cell tower at the top of Alma Street. “This is a historic moment for the health and safety of our neighborhood,” said Courtney Gilardi, who has been leading the neighborhood’s efforts against the tower for the past 17 months. “The board has always had the ability to do what is right, and now they have the will to do what is right.”

    When we visited the neighborhood last spring, many residents said they were experiencing symptoms they never had before. This week, those issues are still around…SNIP

    “My symptoms are ongoing and have worsened,” said Elaine Ireland, a neighborhood resident. “I never was one to have headaches before. I’m getting regular headaches, ringing in the ears that, it just gets in the way of everyday life.”

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    • 19 JAN 22

    Microwave News: Grimes RF-Cancer Review Must Be Retracted

    Dear Dr. Fontanarosa, Editor-in-Chief the Journal of the American Medical Association and the JAMA Network

    As you are already keenly aware, on December 9th, JAMA Oncology, part of the AMA family of journals, published what purports to be a review of radiofrequency (RF) radiation and cancer by David Robert Grimes.

    Grimes’s paper is rife with distortions and omissions. It is a disservice to the AMA and to all those who care about public health. I urge you, as the current editor-in-chief of all AMA journals, to retract this paper.

    Here are four reasons why you should set the record straight as soon as possible:

    Grimes gets the science wrong.
    Grimes is not qualified to write the review.
    Grimes’s affiliation with Oxford University is tenuous, at best.
    Grimes misreports his statements on behalf of the telecom industry in the published conflict of interest (CoI) disclosure.

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    • 15 JAN 22

    Julian Cribb : It’s the end of politics as we know it

    Excerpt: Politicians are increasingly grappling with phenomena beyond their limited expertise – if they’re paying attention at all.
    Paralysis. Atrophy. Inertia. Perplexity. These terms describe the state of mind of governments around the world, grappling with an existential crisis they do not understand and whose course they appear impotent to change.

    None of the usual levers work, push them or pull them how you will. You can’t halt wildfires by printing money, settle COVID with tax breaks, subsidise the sea so it stops rising, or battle global overheating with armies. The whole political juggernaut, lovingly hammered, screwed and bolted together by politicians and economists over nearly two centuries, is at last seen for what it is: a fantastic, rust-bucket contraption of whistles and wheels that no longer works, if indeed it ever did.

    The science has been in for some time. Modern industrial civilisation is headed for collapse under the onset of 10 catastrophic threats which, singly, severally and collectively, traditional national politics now seems powerless to resolve. It doesn’t help that the world has recently chosen many political leaders – both democratic and autocratic – without the intelligence, learning or ability to understand what is happening. But don’t they look good on TV? SNIP

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    • 13 JAN 22

    Cell towers on the Ocean Floor

    In 2018, on land and in space, preparations to deploy millions of antennas were very publicly being made and advertised, for “5G,” “Smart Cities,” and the “Internet of Things.” At the same time, and without any publicity, governments, research laboratories, and commercial and military interests were collaborating on plans to create “Smart Oceans” and the “Internet of Underwater Things” (IoUT). They did not consult the fishes, whales, dolphins, octopuses, and other inhabitants of those depths….SNIP

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    • 11 JAN 22

    Abandoning Inconvenient Science How RF Research on the Blood-Brain Barrier Was Shut Down


    From Louis Slesin, editor of Microwave News:

    I often write about why microwave health research rarely moves forward and nothing much ever gets resolved. Today, I offer yet another example.

    When I first started following the field in the late 1970s, everyone was talking about the apparent ability of microwaves to cause substances to leak through the blood-brain barrier, first demonstrated by Allan Frey. Today, 50 years later, the issue remains unsettled.

    The cover-up started back in the 1970s, resumed in the 2000s, and continues today. All the usual suspects played a role: the U.S. military, the telecoms and, of course, ICNIRP…..SNIP

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    • 31 OCT 21

    New paper on 5G millimeter RF effects on mosquitos

    The following paper abstract raises an important question on the possibility that 5G mmWaves may have adverse effects on insects, importantly not just mosquitos but all insects depending on their relative size and signal wave length. Why not conduct the study on pollinators to see what happens…..

    “Fifth generation networks (5G) will be associated with a partial shift to higher carrier frequencies, including wavelengths of insects. This may lead to higher absorption of radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMF) by insects and could cause dielectric heating.”

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    • 28 SEP 21

    NIER Effects on Flora & Fauna: A Major Review

    Runs over 200 Pages and Includes More Than 1,000 References From Microwave News Excerpt September 27, 2021 A detailed examination –likely the most exhaustive ever attempted– of the environmental effects of non-ionizing radiation has been published in Reviews on Environmental Health. “Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Fields on Flora and Fauna” is in three parts, the

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    • 17 SEP 21

    Coming premiere of, made in Finland, documentary on 5G and health

    A new documentary on 5G and health, “Something is in the Air” will premiere on Youtube on 30.9.2021 at 9pm (Finnish time). It will be free for anyone to see from then onwards.

    Among interviewed scientists are e.g. Dariusz Leszczynski, Anssi Auvinen, Martin Pall.

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    • 21 AUG 21

    EC’s STOA Committee issues new report which calls for a halt to the expansion of 5G

    The Science and Technology Options Assessment Committee (STOA) of the European Parliament published its review

    “Health impact of 5G. Current state of knowledge of 5G-related carcinogenic and reproductive/developmental hazards as they emerge from epidemiological studies and in vivo experimental studies”

    Of the evidence on the risks of 5G and non-ionising radiation in June 2021. The study calls for a halt to the expansion of 5G. This study (review) was written by a working group of the Ramazzini Institute (Bologna) led by Fiorella Belpoggi. It is a review of the state of research on 5G, both the low and higher (gigahertz) frequencies used in 5G, and is thereby also an assessment of mobile communications as a whole.

    Radiation protection policy worldwide is confronted with clear results and political demands as a result of this study, the seriousness of which is beyond doubt. The results summarised: …..SNIP

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    • 18 AUG 21

    The EHS Project, EHS persons and EHS diagnosing-physicians…

    Excerpt: From Dariusz Leszczynski:
    The EHS Project, EHS persons and EHS diagnosing-physicians…

    Posted on August 13, 2021

    It is my firm belief that some sub-population of people is more sensitive to EMF than the rest of us. Knowledge about environmental hazards and simple logic make me that certain.

    However, currently and for many past years, persons claiming to be sensitive to EMF were mistreated. Their symptoms were trivialized. Their claims of EMF as sensitizing agent were trivialized too.

    After years of neglect, in 2004 the WHO finally decided to recognize the symptoms, and the suffering, as real but… not really linked with EMF exposures.

    That was it. That was the maximum what the WHO dared to do.

    The WHO, the ICNIRP, the ICES, the radiation protection authorities in numerous countries do nothing about the sensitivity to EMF. They just blindly follow whatever science reviews made by ICNIRP and ICES decide.

    This is wrong and a new thinking and new actions are needed.

    Unfortunately, those that consider sensitivity to EMF as a real ailment, when doing scientific research, do it very poorly. Is it for the lack of funding or is it for the lack of ideas and knowledge, the result is scientific data of very poor quality that should be, rightly, dismissed as such. Not because of bias but because of poor science.

    What is needed, and urgently, is new science approach and new quality scientific data on EMF sensitivity….SNIP

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    • 12 AUG 21

    The science of spin: targeted strategies to manufacture doubt with detrimental effects on environmental and public health

    From Joel M. Moskowitz The science of spin: targeted strategies to manufacture doubt with detrimental effects on environmental and public health Study Question: The telecommunications industry has adopted strategies used by other industries that market products which pollute the environment and harm the health of humans and other species. Does the Telecom industry and the

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    • 12 JUN 21

    IARC on RF: What’s Next?

    From Louis Slesin, Microwave News: Agency Questions Basis for “Possible” Cancer Risk Classification Trends for Aggressive Brain Tumors Unresolved   A new analysis from the radiation group at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) challenges the agency’s own classification of wireless radiation as a possible human carcinogen. On May 27, IARC’s Isabelle Deltour

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    • 19 MAY 21

    Mystery neurological illness cluster New Brunswick, Canada

    New Brunswick Cluster of Neurological Syndrome of Unknown Cause Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health, New Brunswick   The Province of New Brunswick is collaborating with local and national subject matter experts and health-care providers to investigate a group of individuals who are experiencing signs and symptoms of a neurological syndrome of unknown

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    • 10 MAY 21

    Yuri Grigoriev, Russian Biophysicist And Non-Thermalist, Dies at 95 (Microwave News)


    Yuri Grigoriev, a Russian biophysicist and a singular figure in the world of electromagnetic health and safety over the last 50 years, died in Moscow on April 6 at the age of 95.

    “We have lost a ‘scientific grandfather’,” Oleg Grigoriev told Microwave News. “Yuri supported scientists and pushed them to do research. He was greatly respected by all his colleagues, myself included.” Yuri was one of Oleg’s mentors –they are not related– encouraging him to finish his doctoral dissertation. Oleg later served as the director of the Center for Electromagnetic Safety in Moscow for 20 years, until 2015.

    In contrast to many of his counterparts in the West, Yuri Grigoriev promoted the idea that microwave biology is more complex than simple tissue heating. His views were based, in part, on his own research showing the importance of modulation characteristics.

    He is also known for his steadfast support for the Soviet and later Russian health standards, which are designed to protect against long-term effects and are much stricter than those adopted in most other countries. ANSI, ICNIRP and the IEEE have never acknowledged the existence of chronic effects, setting their exposure limits at levels that are up to a thousand times higher.

    The contrasting view of what the standards should be has been a source of East-West tension since the Cold War began. It continues today.

    “Professor Grigoriev was one of the first scientists to draw conclusions on the role of modulation in RF biological effects and on the increased sensitivity of children to RF,” said Igor Belyaev, the head of the Department of Radiobiology at the Biomedical Research Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava.

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    • 09 MAY 21

    Non-thermal “heresy” that might be the reason why we see non-thermal effects

    Biological and health effects of cell phone radiation are being denied by ICNIRP and by IEEE/ICES and number of governmental agencies.

    The problem is that if it happens that cell phone radiation causes biological and health effects then the “Big Telecom” industry is in “Big Trouble”. This might be the reason why ICNIRP and IEEE/ICES perpetuate the dogma of cell phone radiation as able to induce only thermal effects. The large body of peer-reviewed published science, showing that non-thermal effects exist, is simply trashed by ICNIRP and IEEE/ICES because according to their dogma, these effects don’t exist and scientific evidence of them is just bunch of experimental artifacts caused by thermal exposures, mistaken for non-thermal exposures by naïve scientists.

    Another dogma disseminated by ICNIRP and IEEE/ICES is that the energy of the cell phone radiation is insufficient to break chemical bonds. This claim shows absolute incompetence of both “expert” groups. There is much more to biochemistry of cells than only breaking of chemical bonds. Any cell biologist knows that!…SNIP

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    • 04 MAY 21

    Italy’s Strict RF Standard at Risk (Microwave News)

    By Louis Slesin, editor of Microwave News:

    Italy’s 6 V/m RF exposure standard, one of the strictest in the world, may soon fall victim to 5G.

    The Italian limit, adopted more than 20 years ago, is widely perceived as standing in the way of the build-out of 5G infrastructure, which will require the installation of many more RF antennas. The proposed solution is to make the standard ten times weaker and bring it in line with ICNIRP’s 61 V/m guideline.

    Continue reading …

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    • 19 APR 21

    “Wireless Hazards” — An extensive exposé published by The Washington Spectator

    Excerpts: However, the industry’s message is so widely accepted that contradictory information is routinely discarded. One scientist (who asked for anonymity) told me he recently was asked to advise a state committee about 5G guidelines. “When I tried to tell them about the hazards from the hundreds of thousands or millions of new antennas that will be installed, they weren’t interested. . . . For example, in 2013, President Obama named Tom Wheeler, the CEO of the main trade group, the CTIA, to chair the FCC. In a 2016 talk, Wheeler said, “We won’t wait for standards to be developed. . . . Instead, we will rely on the private sector to produce them.” On 5G, he told doubters to “stay out of the way. . . . Tens of billions of dollars in economic activity . . . is what’s important.” SNIP

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    • 15 APR 21

    Science, Politics, and Groupthink [Health Matters] James C. Lin

    Posted by Joel Moskowitz, Electromagnetic Radiation Safety
    In his latest column Professor Emeritus Lin criticizes the ICNIRP, the non-profit organization which the WHO relies upon for non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) exposure guidelines that it promotes worldwide. As you may know, this column is important not only because Professor Lin is one of the most respected EMF scientists in the world, he is the first scientist who has served on the ICNIRP Commission(2004 – 2016; chair of the committee on Physics & Engineering, 2008-2012; chair of the Radio Frequency group, 2012-2015) to challenge the credibility of ICNIRP’s EMF exposure guidelines….SNIP

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    • 14 APR 21

    5G is testing the limits of trust

    From Dariusz Leszczynski Excerpt In 2020, the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) published updated safety guidelines for exposures to radio-frequency radiation (RF-EMF) emitted by wireless communication devices and networks, such as mobile phones or mobile phone base stations. This publication replaced the ICNIRP 1998 RF-EMF guidelines. These guidelines, recommended by the World Health

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    • 07 APR 21

    The Green Dilemma of 5G Densification (The TImes of Israel)

    Excerpt: As a physicist, my job involves a lot of reading. Mainly articles that turn on an obscure point in an obscure field that interests me, the author and maybe one other person – and he’s a physicist too. Occasionally, one comes across an article that should interest Joe Public, but it is written in such a way that Joe would doze off well before he got to the punch line! So on my desk landed an article with an impressive title, “Radiation Analysis in a Gradual 5G Network Deployment Strategy” [1]. And this is a doozy! Even better for me it is written by two Professors from the American University in Beirut, Lebanon, Ahmad El Hajj and Tarek Naous, researchers who could not normally cooperate with an Israeli. Geopolitics divides science too…..

    In this article they took a hard look at 5G Densification. “Densification” refers to the placement of many more antennas for 5G in the urban environment than we have today, in effect making the network of mobile base stations more dense…SNIP

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