• 18 MAY 05

    Tower concerns in Australia

    Tension on towers http://australianit.news.com.au/articles/0,7204,15309289^15346^^nbv^15306-15316,00.html Australian IT News Andrew Colley MAY 17, 2005 THE federal Government may develop new industry rules to ease community concerns about mobile phone towers. Communications Minister Helen Coonan would consider measures to ease tensions between carriers and resident groups, a spokeswoman said. Legislative changes had been ruled out, but Senator Coonan

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    • 10 MAY 05

    Cell phone base stations change EEG patterns

    Cell phone base stations change brain currents and cause unwellness PRESS RELEASE May 1 , 2005 Sourced from Omega News < http://omega.twoday.net/stories/665337/ > Research in Austria by Dr. Gerd Oberfeld et al The radiation of a cell phone base station at a distance of 80 metres causes significant changes of the electrical currents in the

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