• 22 OCT 19

    The forthcoming ‘Science and Wireless 2019’


    Notice from Dariusz Leszczynski:For those interested, and being in Melbourne area on December, 2nd, 2019, this year’s Science and Wireless event will take place at the Swinburne University of Technology. Here is the first announcement from the Australian Centre for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research (ACEBR) (red font emphasis added DL):Science and Wireless 2019Technical Lecture: ICNIRP GUIDELINESPublic Forum: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT 5GThe Australian Centre for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research welcomes you to this year’s Science and WirelessHear from world experts on the new 5th generation of mobile communication technology (5G), as well as the new ICNIRP guidelines on limiting electromagnetic fields…SNIP

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    • 18 OCT 19

    Joel M. Moskowitz writing in Scientific American: “We Have No reason to believe 5G is Safe”

    Excerpt: The technology is coming, but contrary to what some people say, there could be health risksBy Joel M. Moskowitz, October 17, 2019The telecommunications industry and their experts have accused many scientists who have researched the effects of cell phone radiation of “fear mongering” over the advent of wireless technology’s 5G. Since much of our research is publicly-funded, we believe it is our ethical responsibility to inform the public about what the peer-reviewed scientific literature tells us about the health risks from wireless radiation.The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently announced through a press release that the commission will soon reaffirm the radio frequency radiation (RFR) exposure limits that the FCC adopted in the late 1990s. These limits are based upon a behavioral change in rats exposed to microwave radiation and were designed to protect us from short-term heating risks due to RFR exposure.Yet, since the FCC adopted these limits based largely on research from the 1980s, the preponderance of peer-reviewed research, more than 500 studies, have found harmful biologic or health effects from exposure to RFR at intensities too low to cause significant heating.Citing this large body of research, more than 240 scientists who have published peer-reviewed research on the biologic and health effects of nonionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) signed the International EMF Scientist Appeal, which calls for stronger exposure limits. The appeal makes the following assertions:“Numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plant and animal life.”..SNIP

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    • 08 OCT 19

    The Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection are calling for the release of new EMF hazard warning signs for wireless users of mobile phones and other EMF sources

    The Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection are calling for the release of new EMF hazard warning signs for wireless users of mobile phones and other EMF sources, following the release of a published paper by Professor Oleg Grigoriev and ex-deputy minister of communication, Dr Prof Yuri Zubarev. The paper was published in September, 2019 in the oldest Russian journal of communication industry.The EM Radiation Research Trust would like to thank Professor Oleg Grigoriev for providing this important information and call on Government officials to follow this example. The public should be alerted and hazard warning signs should be made mandatory for the safety of users to allow the public to make informed decisions…SNIP

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    • 06 OCT 19

    TPG says community health fears stopped its 5G rollout in Australia

    When it was first announced that TPG had pulled out of its planned 5G rollout, using Huawei’s equipment in Australia, it was widely assumed that this was a result of the Australian government’s ban on Huawei because of security fears (Huawei is a Chinese company with connections to the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese military) . However it now appears that TTP’s change of plans was also due to community 5G health concerns according to TPG’s chief operating executive Craig Levy testifying in the Federal Court.Note in the below article where it mentions research which is claimed to find that 5G radiation is safer than previous networks. The author should have dug deeper. The paper referred to is not research but just an 11 page justifiation why Cornell University follows the FCC limits (300 kHz to 100 GHz). Its just the old Procrustean Approach dressed up in new clothing (or putting lipstick on a pig) and is totally inadequate for a claim that 5G is safe.The ‘take home’ message for the Business Insider article is that community protest concerns over 5G are having an effect. Read on….

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    • 03 OCT 19

    Leszczynski: 1) Summary of the forthcoming Opening Lecture at the EMF Symposium in Mainz, Germany, 2) 5G health issues marginalised


    From Dariusz Leszczynski’s blog, Between a Rock and a Hard PlaceExcerpt: Wireless Communication Technology and Health: From 1G to 5G and beyond What we know. What we do not know. What we should know. In early 70’s and 80’s, the first generation (1G) of mobile phones and cell tower networks were deployed without prior testing for human health safety. It was assumed that the emitted low power is harmless. However, decades later, in 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radiation emitted by cell phones and cell towers, by then already 3rd and 4th generation (3G and 4G), as a possible human carcinogen (category 2B). Since the 2011 classification, a number of research studies was published that not only strengthened the evidence for the 2B classification but provided data suggesting that the IARC classification could be upgraded to the level of a probable human carcinogen (category 2A). SNIP Currently, the new generation of wireless communication, the 5G, is being rapidly deployed. The 5G will introduce new radiation, the millimeter-waves, that was also not tested for human health hazard. Studies on biological and health effects of the millimeter-waves are scarce….SNIP

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    • 03 SEP 19

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Sleep Disruption: Evidence that both powerfrequency and radiofrequency magnetic fields may be a co-factor to investigate in treatments.

    Practically all of the ongoing controversy over the possible biological effects of human exposure to both power frequency and radiofrequency fields has focussed on thermal effects and the risk of cancer. However, during a conversation with Yuri Grigorev, from the Russian National Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (RNCNIRP) he mentioned that the ‘West’ had taken the wrong tack by focussing on cancer. He (and the RNCNIRP) considered that the main effect was effects on the immune system, which could lead to any number of illnesses. This paper looks at chronic exposures to both Power-frequency and Radio-frequency emissions. Titled: “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Sleep Disruption: Evidence that both powerfrequency and radiofrequency magnetic fields may be a co-factor to investigate in treatments”, it is aimed at medical practitioners and organisations working with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and/or insomnia patients. Optimum treatment of these conditions should include the possibility that EMF/EMR may be a possible factor in some cases.

    Power Frequency magnetic fieldsIn 1994, Australian Democrat Senator Robert Bell (Tasmania) tabled a report in the Australian Senate that examined the evidence that the then current National and international exposure standards for human exposure to electromagnetic fields were insufficient to provide an assurance of safety. Part of this report examined the condition of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and suggested that prolonged exposure to 50 Hz power frequency fields may be one of the causative factors in the condition. [1]This hypothesis was later strengthened with a number of patient case studies compiled with the assistance of several doctors connected with the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (ACNEM) in January 1998. These case studies indicated that prolonged exposure to environmental level powerline frequency electromagnetic fields apparently were impairing immune system function resulting in CFS symptoms and insomnia.[2]In February 1999 a Victorian Workers Compensation Case from 1991-1992 was obtained by this writer from office manager at Ross House, located at 247-251 Flinders Lane, Melbourne. This case examined a number of workplace illness diagnosed as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The workcare investigation found that excessive office building electromagnetic fields from a large electrical substation directly below the office building where the women worked was the common factor in all the symptoms reported by the women. The report also examined the work done to mitigate the EMFs in the area.[3] Some of the symptoms reported were:Chronic tiredness/fatigue; Insomnia: waking around 3 am with an inability to go back to sleep; Stress Inability to concentrate; Fluctuating hormone levels; Anaemia; facial rash, depression, severe premenstrual tension; a feeling of listlessness; light headedness ;”a permanent severe case of jet lag”…SNIP

    Study on Health Effects of the Shortwave Transmitter Station of Schwarzenburg, Berne, Switzerland (Major Report)Background:A short wave transmitter was installed at Schwarzenburg, near Berne, Switzerland, in 1939. Another antenna was added in 1954 with three 150 kW outputs (6.1-21.8Mhz). and a 250 kW antenna was added in 1971. Since the Seventies, health complaints have been reported by the population in the surroundings of the transmitter, and the effects have been associated with its activity. On the 2nd March 1990, a petition seeking a scientific evaluation of the health damage allegedly cause by the transmitter was handed by a group of inhabitants to the Swiss Federal Department of Traffic and Energy (SFDTE). In October 1990, the Head of SFDTE commissioned a study. It was carried out by 15 doctors and scientists, primarily from the University of Berne, but also from 4 other agencies. Their report was published in August 1995 and found significant changes in various indicators which increased with proximity to the mast (Zone A in the study) and which were significantly worse in elderly people. Symptoms included nervosity, inner restlessness, difficulty in falling asleep, difficulty in maintaining sleep, general weakness and tiredness and joint pains, Sleep difficulty was especially disturbing as this can lead on to increasing fatigue and reduced feelings of well-being. Observed nocturnal sleep changes occurred in association with increased nocturnal RF exposure levels. The study interim conclusion was as follows:”Insomnias and joint pains, especially in the elderly, were more frequently reported in Zone A than in Zones B and C. They showed a dose-response relationship with the logistic regression and they were not related to a health-worry personality. Further studies are of need to establish a biophysical mechanism…. “Our results indicate a higher frequency of disorders of a neurovegetative nature among residents up to about 1000 m from the transmitter, and are highly suggestive of a direct effect of the radio shortwave transmitter on sleep quality. The other complaints appear to be mediated by the sleep disorder.”…SNIP

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    • 22 AUG 19

    Online free summit on 5G

    From the conference website:You may have heard of 5G, it stands for fifth-generation cellular wireless. In a February 2019 US Senate hearing, the wireless industry was forced to admit they have no safety studies on 5G, and don’t plan to do any. Meanwhile, there are thousands of independent studies concluding that wireless radiation causes biological harm. Despite this, the wireless industry is working with government to deploy 5G – it’s a global, for-profit, human experiment… without our consent.What does it mean? Millions of “small” cell towers will be added to every block (which is a serious privacy concern). Each tower emitting radiation at levels known to cause cancer, sterility, DNA damage and other harm… especially to our children, who are most at risk…SNIP

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    • 13 AUG 19

    2 articles: 1)The Austrian (not Australian) Parliament asks for evaluation of 5G and health – do not hold your breath / 2) Canberra (Australia) Citynews on 5G deployment

    From the blog of Dariusz Leszczynski Excerpt: Recently, telecompaper has informed that the Austrian parliament has commissioned a study into the health effects of 5G networks due to concerns among the public that the new generation of mobile services could pose risks from increased radiation exposure. The Advisory Council on Technology Assessment of the Austrian Parliament has decided to obtain expertise in the field and appointed a consortium of the Institute for Technology Assessment of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Austrian Institute of Technology to conduct a study. The research institutes already provide the parliament with scientific advice on many topics. The study is expected to be ready by January 2020, providing an overview of the latest research on the topic. The report will be published on the parliament’s website.”At first, the reader of these news might be encouraged by seeing that the Austrian Parliament addresses concerns about the potential health risks of exposures to 5G-emitted radiation. However, as always, the “devil is in the details”. Reading description of this project, available on the website of the Institute of Technology Assessment of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, provides the proverbial “bucket of cold water”. It appears that the “evaluation” will likely be nothing new but recap of the existing mantra…SNIP

    In other words just more of the Procrustean Approach….

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    • 11 AUG 19

    FCC Chairman Ajit Pai loses another court case as judges overturn 5G deregulation

    One of Ajit Pai’s attempts to eliminate regulation of 5G deployment has been overturned by federal judges.The Federal Communications Commission last year approved an order that “exempted most small cell construction from two kinds of previously required review: historic-preservation review under the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and environmental review under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA),” federal judges said in their decision partially overturning the order.The FCC claimed its deregulation of small cells was necessary to spur deployment of 5G wireless networks. But the commission was sued by the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma, the Blackfeet Tribe, and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). The FCC order was of particular interest to tribal groups because it affected construction on “sites of religious and cultural importance to federally recognized Indian Tribes,” the judges noted. “The Order also effectively reduced Tribes’ role in reviewing proposed construction of macrocell towers and other wireless facilities that remain subject to cultural and environmental review.”The FCC’s opponents argued that the elimination of historic-preservation and environmental review was arbitrary and capricious, that it violated both the NHPA and NEPA, and that the changes to tribes’ role in reviewing construction was arbitrary and capricious. A three-judge panel of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued its unanimous ruling today.Judges wrote that Pai’s order “does not justify the Commission’s determination that it was not in the public interest to require review of small cell deployments. In particular, the Commission failed to justify its confidence that small cell deployments pose little to no cognizable religious, cultural, or environmental risk, particularly given the vast number of proposed deployments and the reality that the Order will principally affect small cells that require new construction.”The FCC also failed to “adequately address possible harms of deregulation and benefits of environmental and historic-preservation review,” which means the commission’s “deregulation of small cells is thus arbitrary and capricious,” judges concluded…SNIP

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    • 31 JUL 19

    Response: 5G and Wireless Risks to Public Health


    From Health Central New ZealandDr. Pri Bandara and Dr. Julie McCredden from Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association (ORSAA) weigh in on a series of recent articles published on Health Central around the effects of 5G.July 25, 2019There has been a lot of hype around 5G and there is some misinformation in this information-overloaded time we live in. We contend the article by Katie Chadwick-Smith titled “Response: Claims that 5G is damaging to our health are misleading” in reply to a previous article by Dr. Tracy Chandler is riddled with false statements and is grossly misleading.Consider the following claim by Chadwick-Smith: “The link Dr Chandler provides as evidence for the relationship between cellphones and cancer is nothing more than a collection of presentations and newspaper articles based on suppositions and wishful thinking for those prone to conspiracy theories.” This seems strange considering that Dr. Chandler’s article made no such reference to cell phones and cancer specifically but instead referred to a vast collection of peer-reviewed studies on the website maintained by Dr. Joel M. Moskowitz, Director of the Center for Family and Community Health at School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley. It appears that Chadwick-Smith did not bother to check anything before making this attempt to discredit Dr. Chandler’s article. As cell phone use and cancer is raised, the reality is far from what Chadwick-Smith claims. The scientific evidence actually shows an increased risk. For example, a review that collated data from 24 studies in a large meta-analysis which included 26,846 brain tumour cases and 50,013 healthy controls, showed a significantly higher risk for those with mobile phone use over 10 years.The Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association (ORSAA) is the only independent (hence without conflicts of interest) scientific organization operating in the Australia-New Zealand region investigating the health impact of RF-EMR. Our database is now the world’s largest categorized database of peer-reviewed studies in this field of scientific study which is freely available for anyone at www.orsaa.org. The scientists at ORSAA are volunteering to establish the much-needed evidence-based approach to risk assessment in this highly contentious area due to strong financial conflicts of interest competing with public safety….SNIP

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    • 23 JUL 19

    Fake news on 5G from New York Times Science Desk (two articles)

    1) A Fact-Free Hit on a 5G Critic Fabricating History on the New York Times Science Desk
    From Louis Slesin, Microwave News
    Excerpt: Last Tuesday, the New York Times devoted most of the front page of its science section to Bill Broad’s latest attack on those who challenge the dogma that wireless radiation is absolutely safe.“The 5G Health Hazard That Isn’t” is the catchy headline of the Web version of his article. It’s followed by “How one scientist and his inaccurate chart led to unwarranted fears of wireless technology.”There’s a major problem with Broad’s reporting. The key facts are wrong.Please take a look at the critique that I just posted on the Microwave News website.

    2) The Miseducation of America on 5G: The New York Times Gets It Spectacularly Wrong
    Devra Davis, the Environmental Health Trust
    Excerpt: When William J. Broad, a Pulitzer-Prize winning New York Times science writer, strangely mangles information on the dangers of 5G, this plays right into the hands of those determined to advance this never-tested technology without serious examination of its long-term impact on human health and the environment.The recent headline of the NYTimes trumpeted 5G as the “health hazard that isn’t.” Not so fast. A close examination of claims in that article indicates that it is time for a reset on the march to the latest wireless technology as the consequences could not be more monumental…..SNIP

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    • 20 JUL 19

    Swiss magazine reports first 5G injuries in Geneva.

    Published in L’illustre, Thursday 18 July 2019″

    L’Illustré is a French-language weekly consumer magazine published in Lausanne, Switzerland. The circulation of L’Illustré was 76,697 copies in 2014 and its readership was 338,000 in the second half of 2014.


    Since 5G antennas were installed near their home in the heart of Geneva, these residents of the same area suffer from various health problems. Are they victims of a technology whose dangers were not sufficiently tested? A doctor and member of parliament speaks out.Gathered in the apartment of one of the two, on the fifth floor of a building in the centre of Geneva, these residents of the same area look at each other. What they have in common is insomnia, tinnitus, headaches. And a lot of unanswered questions. The youngest, Johan Perruchoud, 29, has lived there for 11 years and is not the type to cultivate any sort of hatred of invasive technology. He is a healthy young man, active and positive, who has just returned from four years in New York and makes finely crafted videos and films for the media or for individuals, often working in his room with his computer.”Like in a microwave oven”For him and for his neighbour it all started in April. “I’ve never had a problem with Wi- Fi or any of that and never had problems sleeping – and then suddenly I had trouble falling asleep. In particular at home I felt – how can I put it? – like I was in a microwave. I didn’t feel good in the house, as if I was surrounded by ghosts.” When he looked on Facebook and on the website of the Confederation, he saw that three 5G antennas had been put into service nearby and that other people were complaining of identical problems, headaches, tiredness. “Was it psychological? I don’t know. But for the first time, although I have never had earaches while composing my music, my ears started whistling. It woke me up at night. All of this was unusual.”…SNIP

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    • 11 JUL 19

    Smart meters not so smart for electricity bills

    From Stop Smart Meters Australia: Excerpt:

    Posted on July 11, 2019 by Stop Smart Meters Australia

    New research released by The Australia Institute shows that ‘time of use pricing’ facilitated by smart meters is likely to drive up household energy costs. Electricity companies and regulators have pushed for higher electricity prices at peak times, as well as higher ‘shoulder’ periods. In theory, this incentivises households to move their energy consumption to times of the day when it is cheaper for companies to provide it…SNIP

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    • 05 JUL 19

    Dr Karl – Misleading and Wrong Information and a much deeper problem in the selection of experts.

    News release from the Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association (ORSAA)
    Excerpt: 4/7/2019​We have seen lots of “Fake News” from various media and online sources over the last few years. Now the Australian trusted public radio station the ABC has created “Fake Information”. Dr Karl, the ABCs trusted science communicator, has made several recent pronouncements on ABC radio station JJJ. He has claimed that concerns that are being raised about an untested 5G rollout are ‘hysteria’. Dr Karl’s talks begin with a clear and correct explanation of the EMF spectrum, but then goes on to make incorrect and misleading statements. He declares that only the very high non-ionising frequencies can cause cancer. This statement has been falsified by the recent NTP study.One of our members, Dr Richard Cullen, who has a PhD in electrical engineering, with many years of experience in IT has evaluated Dr Karl’s recent pronouncements. We have edited transcripts below. ..SNIP

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    • 29 JUN 19

    ICNIRP draft on new radiofrequency guidelines is flawed (Lennart Hardell)

    From Lennart Hardell’s blog At a meeting in Paris on 17 April 2019 Eric van Rongen, the present ICNIRP chairman presented a draft on new ICNIRP guidelines for radiofrequency radiation (RFR) exposure… Most remarkable is that the science on health effects is still based on thermal (heating) effect from RFR just as the evaluations published 1998 and updated in 2009. In the draft only thermal effects are considered for health effects. Van Rongen states there is ’No evidence that RF-EMF causes such diseases as cancer’… there is no evidence that non-thermal effects are considered and thus a large majority of scientific evidence on human health effects, not to mention hazards to the environment. Thus the basis for new guidelines is flawed and the whole presentation should be dismissed as scientifically flawed.If this draft represents the final version on ICNIRP guidelines it is time to close down ICNIRP since their evaluation is not based on science but on selective data such as only thermal effects from RFR …The draft represents a worst-case scenario for public health and represents wishful thinking.

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    • 26 JUN 19

    ORSAA on 5G misinformation

    From the ORSAA Newsletter ARPANSA Who is misleading Who 24/6/2019 Excerpt It has come to our attention that ARPANSA has made a number of statements relating to misinformation about Australia”s 5G network on their website, our assessment you can download below. One needs to question who is actually providing misinformation? First, we have a

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    • 25 JUN 19

    Health effects associated with exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic fields

    A new report published by the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety 21/06/2019Excerpt:Today, ANSES is publishing a new expert appraisal on the health effects associated with exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic fields. In view of the data available, the Agency is reiterating its 2010 conclusions on the possible association between exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic fields and the long-term risk of childhood leukaemia. It is also restating its recommendation not to build new schools close to very-high voltage power lines. At the same time, the Agency stresses the need to better manage occupational exposure for employees who could be exposed to high levels of electromagnetic fields, particularly pregnant women…SNIP

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    • 22 JUN 19

    5G: Eco-Energy or Energy Monster?

    As part of the forthcoming “Connected Hobart; a Smart City forum” a central feature of the logo for the event is “Eco-Energy”. Now this term is defined on the ICI Global website as: “Natural and clean energy solutions for a green environment protecting ecology”. So, it would seem to be a no-brained that Hobart’s “Eco-Energy” should mean reduced greenhouse gas emissions with more efficient 5G technology, and overall reduced energy usage.This may be the case for Tasmania with its hydro and planned pumped hydro and wind farms, but certainly not for the rest of Australia. According to Origin Energy, Of Australia’s overall energy supply, 73% comes from coal, 13% from natural gas, 7% from hydro power, and 7% from renewables. So, 86% of Australia’s energy usage is from greenhouse gas emitters, coal and gas.Will the planned nationwide rollout of 5G networks reduce Australia’s greenhouse emissions with “Eco-Energy” 5G smart city technology? Unfortunately it looks like being the opposite, according to a new 5G report by Vertiv, and the technology analyst firm 451 Research…SNIP

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    • 20 JUN 19

    Connected Hobart Public Forum, 26 June

    For any local folks on this list, the Hobart City Council is holding an information session on Hobart’s smart city plan. Should be interesting, especially if the local Stop 5G group shows up. My opinion on the initial Hobart smart city strategy in August 2018 is here. Don *****************************************   Connected Hobart Public Forum Help

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    • 15 JUN 19

    The Highly Dangerous ‘Triton’ Hackers Have Probed the US Grid

    On the scale of security threats, hackers scanning poten­tial targets for vulnerabilities might seem to rank rather low. But when it’s the same hackers who previously executed one of the most reckless cyberattacks in history–one that could have easily turned destructive or even lethal–that recon­nais­sance has a more foreboding edge. Especially when the target of their scanning is the US power grid….SNIP

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