The New Hampshire State House Subcommittee of the Science, Technology, and Energy Committee has voted for further policy action regarding the issue of radio-frequency radiation. (WiFi)
New Hampshire lawmakers voted to recommend action on the issue of wireless radio-frequency (RF) radiation. This is a historic action by New Hampshire legislatures and will result in the proposal of new statewide legislation addressing cell towers and wireless networks.
Over the last few months, the New Hampshire House Subcommittee of the Committee on Science, Technology, and Energy has held study sessions on RF featuring numerous experts, organizations and residents. In addition, wireless industry consultants and employees have presented testimony. The meetings were conveyed because proposed House Bill 1644 was sent to interim study. HB 1644 would have established a setback of 1640 feet for cellular antennas from homes.
On September 26, 2022, the NH House subcommittee passed a motion that “we recommend further action be done covering the subjects of radio frequency radiation involving education, acknowledging the issue involving more technical aspects that could involve frequency as well as the power and we suggest a priority be placed on any legislation that might be considered along these lines and that also the committee and municipal county governments be involved in such further legislation as well.”
“The majority of animal and cell studies have found non-ionizing RFR can induce oxidative stress- a key characteristic of human carcinogens and a way that RFR can initiate or promote tumor development as well as play a role in the development of other diseases. DNA damage and cancer in these state of the art studies signal the need for the public to reduce exposures to RFR now.”
(USA Natnl. Cancer Institute Letter – ).
Watch the 9/26/2022 Meeting – (2 hrs)