• 19 NOV 19
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    Lies, Damn Lies and the Australian 5G inquiry

    Following on from the last message on the Australian 5G inquiry here are some submission quotes which clearly illustrate a willful maintenance of a state of scientific ignorance and outright lies, based on Procrustean Approach principles. The first is from ACEBR then from Vodafone, and lastly from Telstra.

    1) Quoting from the ACEBR submission, page 3, section 5.1:

    As described in Section 4, the ARPANSA RPS3 protects against “˜all”™ adverse health effects caused by RFEMF exposure. The limits have indeed been set to protect against thermal effects, but this is merely because these represent the lowest RF-EMF exposure levels capable of adversely affecting health, and so if there are any other adverse health effects that require higher RF-EMF exposure levels to occur, these will also be protected against.

    2) And from the Vodafone submission, page 3:

    It is important to recognise that Australia has some of the most comprehensive and stringent radio frequency safety and electromagnetic energy (EME) compliance requirements in the developed world. Pre-design risk assessments, publicly available community environmental EME reports, and independently certified site-specific compliance assessments are just some of the requirements that apply to new radiocommunications facilities, technology upgrades to existing facilities, and ongoing site operation.

    3) And from Telstra:

    The level of what we believe to be misinformation, purported to be based on scientific and medical evidence, circulating in the community about 5G EME and health is on a scale we have not seen with the rollout of previous generations of mobile technology. It appears to be driven largely by social media campaigns and there is evidence that messaging in these campaigns is being influenced by foreign actors. We also observe that claims are often made that 5G hasn’t been tested, when in fact we have conducted testing to confirm out network complies with the standards outlined in section 5.1. While only a small percentage of the community is engaging, the misinformation is gaining traction and the fears being raised need to be quickly and respectfully addressed.


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