Implications for 5G: Property owner can be forced to cut trees if they interfere with Wi-Fi
In my recent submission to the Hobart City council’s proposed smart city 5G initiative, I pointed out the potential problem of trees blocking 5G millimeter waves. To quote:
 No mention was made that smart city 5G millimetre waves can be disrupted or blocked by trees and foliage especially after rain. This creates a problem for tree lined streets where residents may have to decide which is more important to them. Having a pleasant green environment or being able to download movies in seconds. Will the Hobart city council have to start removing offending trees in order to have a future smart city?
The problem of trees has not escaped Telstra”™s notice. To quote:
“Telstra is also funding research into whether uniquely Australian obstacles – including flora – will disrupt 5G signals, which occupy a higher frequency and don’t travel as far as other mobile signals. “Something that seems to be unique to Australia, and we found with earlier standards, is how gumtrees impact those radio signals and the way they get from the radio tower to the end user, Mr Wright said.”
So, now consider the following article from the NZ Herald, will this set a precedent in New Zealand (and possibly Australia) where any trees that are found to be blocking 5G transmissions will have to be trimmed or cut down?
Property owner can be forced to cut trees if they interfere with a neighbour’s Wi-Fi, judge says
The New Zealand Herald
18 Sep, 2018 12:20pm
An August hearing pitted Kaipara Flats land owners Ian and Karen Vickery against their neighbour Christine Thoroughgood.
There was a two-fold dispute about trees along the boundary line, which the Vickerys wanted trimmed.
Lowndes Jordan partner and IT specialist Rick Shera notes that one element of the clash was very familiar. The Vickerys argued that the untrimmed trees caused undue obstruction to their easterly view.
But the other element was new: that the trees also caused undue interference with the Vickerys’ wireless broadband network.
After considering expert evidence, Justice Sally Fitzgerald says in her ruling, issued September 3, that the Vickerys – who were attempting to overturn a District Court decision – did not have a case with their wi-fi argument.
A workaround was available to the couple: placing a receiver on a pole some distance from their house (even if that was not the Vickerys’ preferred position).
But, crucially, she did accept that “undue interference with a wi-fi signal caused by trees could constitute an undue interference with the reasonable use and enjoyment of an applicant’s land for the purposes of s 335(1)(vi) of the [Property Law] Act.”
“This decision is interesting because it finds that, in some circumstances, neighbour A can require tree trimming, or removal, repair or alteration of a structure, on neighbour B’s land, where the trees or structure unduly interfere with the neighbour A’s wireless connectivity,” Shera says.
Like many in the country, the couple have a fixed wireless broadband connection, which requires line-of-sight. Fixed wireless has been a mainstay of the public-private Rural Broadband Initiative.
Read the original article here