UC San Diego Medical Professor opposes “small cell” antenna bill (SB 649)
From Joel M. Moskowitz PhD
I have been hearing from scientists around the world who are deeply concerned about the deployment of fifth generation (5G) wireless technology without adequate research on the health effects of exposure to this type of radiofrequency radiation.
Professor Beatrice Golomb, MD, PhD, a professor of medicine in the School of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego, published an open letter yesterday that explains why she is vigorously opposed to SB 649, a bill in the California legislature that would expedite the deployment of “small cell” antennas to facilitate the roll-out of 5G across the state.
Dr. Golomb’s letter begins with the following warning:
“I urge in the strongest terms that you vigorously oppose California SB 649.
If this bill passes, many people will suffer greatly, and needlessly, as a direct result.
This sounds like hyperbole. It is not.”
In the letter, Dr. Golomb summarizes the research on the effects of exposure to radio frequency radiation and advocates for “safer, wired and well shielded technology “” not more wireless.”
Appended to the letter are 360 references to the scientific literature.
A summary can be found on my EMR Safety web site at http://bit.ly/5GsaferEMR along with a link the letter.
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Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., Director
Center for Family and Community Health
School of Public Health
University of California, Berkeley
Electromagnetic Radiation Safety
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