• 27 JAN 17
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    U.S. Congress moves to eliminate regulations that inhibit the roll-out of IoT technology

    From A Tsiang and Cindy Sage:

    The “Mobile Now Act” and “The DIGIT Act” have passed out of the Senate Commerce Committee and are headed to the full senate for a vote. They will probably be heard in the next week or two.

    Bill Info: These bills lay the foundation for the Internet of Things that will require a small cell tower transmitter every couple of homes emitting high frequency 24Ghz to 90Ghz which has never been tested for non-thermal biological effects [It is illegal in the land of democracy to oppose wireless technology for health or environmental reasons]. These transmitters will be put in public right of ways with NO ability to consider health and safety. The transmitters will be ugly, decrease property values, and expose occupants to potentially harmful microwave radiation so that your home appliances can communicate with one another which does not seem like a necessity and your privacy can be violated even more easily.

    Mobile Now Act (a) Short Title.””This Act may be cited as the “Making Opportunities for Broadband Investment and Limiting Excessive and Needless Obstacles to Wireless Act” or the “MOBILE NOW Act”.

    S88 the DIGIT Bill “To ensure appropriate spectrum planning and interagency coordination to support the Internet of Things.” Is just as bad if not worse than the Mobile Now Act. It is basically written to develop a working group that will determine how to make the Internet of Things Happen e.g. regulations standing in the way, budget, how to use internet of things in government. The working group will be made up of NTIA, NIST, FCC, FTC, Office of Science and Technology Policy, Department of Energy, Industry and other stakeholders
    This is a small excerpt from the Bill:
    (A) the identification of any Federal regulations, statutes, grant practices, programs, budgetary or jurisdictional challenges, and other sector-specific policies that are inhibiting or could inhibit the development of the Internet of Things;
    (B) whether adequate spectrum is available to support the growing Internet of Things and what legal or regulatory barriers may exist to providing any spectrum needed in the future;


    Very important – FCC wants to “streamline” the approval process for 5G small cell towers by exempting them from the 1996 Telecommunications Act!
    This will be voted on in the Senate in the next week or two!

    If it passes, it will permit millions of small towers (on existing light poles/utility poles, or new ones will be built) everywhere, including throughout residential neighborhoods, spaced a few houses apart, for the purpose of the Internet of Things, enabling appliances and other home controls to connect wirelessly. The frequencies used, in the GHz range, have not been tested for long-term health effects.

    The Bioinitiative Group has written a response to this, written by Cindy Sage, David Carpenter, and Lennart Hardell.

    From Cindy Sage on behalf of the Bioinitiative Working Group:

    We have submitted a comment to the Federal Communications Commission in Washington, DC
    on their proposal to streamline the process for small wireless facility permitting, and exempt small cell
    installations from normal regulatory review as now required by the 1996 Telecommunications Act
    for new cell towers (masts). If adopted, it will permit millions of new wireless antennas (small cells transmitting at high gigahertz frequencies) that are untested for effects on human health. It is the new infrastructure network envisioned to
    establish ‘The Internet of Things” where all devices, appliances and home controls are wirelessly interconnected.


    The FCC has not yet completed its investigation of RF health effects of low-intensity radio frequency radiation in the
    800 MHz to 3 GHZ frequency range (cell phone radiation and Wi-Fi frequencies) which has been going on for the last two years.

    We will post this letter to the BioInitiative website in the next few days.

    Cindy Sage
    Lennart Hardell
    David O. Carpenter
    on behalf of the BioInitiative Working Group


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