Does Christopher Portier have a massive conflict of interest when it comes to smart meters?
If ever there is a need for a precautionary principle for RF technology it would have to be for the massive global roll-out for smart meter technology.
In the last posting “Dr. Christopher Portier, Fmr. Director of the US CDC, calls for invoking the Precautionary Principle for RF-EMF” it seems that there might be a bit of spin in Portier’s support for a PC for wireless technology. It now appears that Portier’s call does not include health hazards from smart meter RF emissions because of his involvement in an astroturf organisation actively promoting the roll-out of smart meters.
1) According to Portier’s bio provided to the IARC Porter’s affiliation is a Senior Collaborating Scientist for the Environmental Defense Fund
2) Now read my posting on the EDF and its support of smart meter technology here:
3) Here is the EDF’s policy on smart meters as of July 2011:
The EDF supports the roll-out of smart meters and has partnered with the City of Austin on smart meters (You might have to copy & paste this link into your browser)
Also see:
As one of my subscribers said to me yesterday:
“Why is Portier chosen to head up anything on Precautionary Action, when obviously he slipped badly by associating with a major US environmental group that was first to the trough on smart meters?”
So, the vital question is: Does Portier support invoking a precautionary principle for the global smart meter roll-out when the organisation he is affiliated with does not?
Now that is a massive conflict of interest…..
Don Maisch
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