• 17 JAN 15
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    Forbes Magazine Caves to Industry Pressure

    From Joel M. Moskowitz

    Joel’s comment: An annotated version of the original Forbes article (Jan 12, 2015), “Study Suggests Wi-Fi Exposure More Dangerous To Kids Than Previously Thought,” is available on the The “Take Back Your Power” web site if you wish to compare the original version of this article with the revised version that now appears on the Forbes web site (updated on Jan 14, 2015).

    Also see http://www.takebackyourpower.net/news/2015/01/14/forbes-study-suggests-wi-fi-exposure-dangerous-kids-previously-thought/

    Forbes Magazine Caves to Industry Pressure

    Coalition to Stop Smart Meters, Jan 13, 2015

    An example of how industry influences news. Two days ago I sent out the original version of an article by Forbes saying that a study showed that wifi could be more dangerous to children than previously thought. Here is the original version of some parts along with the “updates” and a new ending version that is now on the web:

    “More generally, the studies cited in the paper found RF/EMF exposure is linked to cancers of the brain and salivary glands, ADHD, low sperm count, and, among girls who keep cell phones in their bra, breast cancer….


    “More generally, the studies cited in the paper seek to link RF/EMF exposure to different types of cancer, low sperm count, and other disorders.”


    “However, it is important to note that studies such as these need to be taken in their proper context. This particular study is one group”s perspective. It was published in a relatively new and minor journal with limited data sets. They also note that the average time between exposure to a carcinogen and a resultant tumor is three or more decades, thus making it difficult to arrive at definitive conclusions.”

    This is not a call to throw out all electronic devices. However, at the very least, it should open up the discussion about different safety levels for adults versus children.

    Here is the link to the industry changes in the article. www.forbes.com/sites/robertszczerba/2015/01/13/study-suggests-wi-fi-exposure-more-dangerous-to-kids-than-previously-thought/

    Time to start writing a few more letters and one of them to FORBES magazine!


    Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., Director
    Center for Family and Community Health
    School of Public Health
    University of California, Berkeley

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