Net Neutrality: Can You Hear Us Now?
From Truthout
FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is refusing to participate in any public hearings on net neutrality.
On a recent Monday night in Brooklyn, five empty chairs stood on stage “” one for each member of the Federal Communications Commission. A crowd had amassed in the room for a public hearing to send this message to the agency: Don”t hurt the open Internet.
But the commissioners” absence sent a stronger message: We”re not listening.
When Corporate Foxes Mind Internet Coops. (Otherwords cartoon: Khalil Bendib)When Corporate Foxes Mind Internet Coops. (Otherwords cartoon: Khalil Bendib)
The FCC “” the agency charged with regulating telecommunications “” is expected to vote by the end of the year on Chairman Tom Wheeler”s plan to let Internet service providers (ISPs) offer “fast lanes” to companies that can afford to pay for speedier access.
In fact, the FCC has gone out of its way to avoid attending public gatherings like the one in Brooklyn. It”s been more than five years since all five FCC commissioners left Washington together to participate in a public hearing where anyone could testify.
These kinds of public hearings used to be commonplace for the agency, regardless of which political party was in control of Washington. But Wheeler”s FCC is different.
Instead of appearing at events with open microphones, Wheeler “” a former lobbyist for the cable and wireless industries “” has opted to attend industry trade shows. In fact, all five commissioners consistently attend the annual conventions of the cable, wireless, broadcasting, and electronics industries.
Yet somehow they just can”t find the time to meet with the public.
Read the full article, and see a great cartoon here
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