ICNIRP Workshop to be held at Wollongong University
Perhaps it is somewhat ironic that it was through the University of Wollongong NSW where I wrote my 2010 PhD thesis; The Procrustean Approach: Setting exposure standards for telecommunications frequency electromagnetic radiation. Chapters 4 and 5 examined the limitations of ICNIRP’s blinkered understanding of the science. Now 4 years later we see the University hosting an ICNIRP conference where ICNIRP’s Procrustean Approach to all things RF will be regurgitated for the attendees. Expect nothing new except for some finely crafted PR spin to maintain the status quo.
From the ICNIRP Website:
Workshop on RF Field Health Effects & Standards
ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection), ACEBR (Australian Centre for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research) and ARPANSA (Australian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Agency) are jointly organizing the Workshop on Radiofrequency Field Health Effects & Standards, 11 November 2014. It is hosted by the University of Wollongong, Australia (Innovation Campus, Building 230, Level 2, Squires Way, Fairy Meadow, NSW 2519).
The aim is to discuss the latest evidence of health consequences from exposure to radiofrequency (RF) fields, and their relationship to ICNIRP’s current updating of the HF guidelines.
To this end the Workshop will bring the leading national and international radiofrequency (RF) health experts together, including presentations by representatives of the World Health Organisation”™s (WHO) EMF Project, ARPANSA, ICNIRP and ACEBR, as well as substantial opportunity for discussion concerning these issues.
Utilising this strong array of expertise, the Workshop will provide:
An overview of the WHO”™s RF radiation health risk assessment program;
ARPANSA”™s views on RF Health and its expectations of ICNIRP in developing its new HF Guidelines;
Relevant background scientific presentations and the state of the science on RF health effects, including the IARC 2b classification;
An overview of ICNIRP”™s radiation protection philosophy;
An overview of ICNIRP”™s HF Guidelines & current considerations;
Considerations on the SAR calculation basis; and
An extended panel discussion based on the issues raised above.
If you wish to receive information on this event, please contact Rodney Croft at r.croft@icnirp.org.
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