AAEM on Australian smart meter case studies paper
Excerpt (From October 2013 AAEM press release)
Founded in 1965 as a non-profit medical association, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) is an international organization of physician and scientists interested in the complex relationship between the environment and health.
AAEM physicians and physicians world-wide are treating patients who report adverse, debilitating health effects following the installation of smart meters,
which emit electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) and radiofrequencies (RF). The peer reviewed, scientific literature demonstrates the correlation between EMF/RF exposure and neurological, cardiac, and pulmonary disease as well as reproductive disorders, immune dysfunction, cancer and other health conditions.
The evidence is irrefutable. Despite this research, claims have been made that studies correlating smart meter emissions with adverse health effects do not exist. The AAEM has received a case series submitted by Dr. Federica Lamech, MBBS, Self-Reporting of Symptom Development from Exposure to Wireless Smart Meters” Radiofrequency Fields in Victoria. AAEM supports this research. It is a well documented 92 case series that is scientifically valid. It clearly demonstrates adverse health effects in the human population from smart meter emissions. The symptoms reported in this case series closely correlate not only with the clinical findings of environmental physicians, but also with the scientific literature.
Many of the symptoms reported including fatigue, headaches, heart palpitations, dizziness and other symptoms have been shown to be triggered by electromagnetic field exposure under double blind, placebo controlled conditions. Symptoms in this case series also correlate with the Austrian Medical Association”s Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of EMF Related Health Problems.
It is critically important to note that the data in this case series indicates that the “vast majority of cases” were not electromagnetically hypersensitive until after
installation of smart meters. Dr. Lamech concludes that smart meters “may have unique characteristics that lower people”s threshold for symptom development”.
Read the full press release here
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