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    New Report: Analysis: Smart Meter and Smart Grid Problems – Legislative Proposal

    From Antoinette “Toni” Stein PhD to the cheemf list:


    New Report on Smart Meter Problems

    Posted on December 14, 2012 by smartmeterharm

    The December 2012 report “Analysis: Smart Meter and Smart Grid Problems “” Legislative Proposal” is now available to the public. This 173-page report by activist Nina Beety has extensive referenced information about many of the problems and risks of the Smart Meter program, with information from state, national, and international resources. Supplemental documents can be downloaded here.

    Originally written for California legislators, this updated report also provides a legislative and regulatory action plan for halting this program, and suggestions for reforming utility regulation so that the public is protected in the future.

    Table of Contents

    What is a Smart Meter?
    Smart Grid/Smart Meter problems and issues
    – Overview
    – Overcharging, accuracy, and the Structure Group report
    – Reliability
    – Privacy invasion
    – Fires and electrical problems
    – Health problems
    – Switching mode power supply (SMPS)
    – Interference with electronics
    – Interference with medical devices
    – Hacking/cyber-security
    – Remote disconnection of power
    – Vulnerability of nuclear facilities
    – Vulnerability to electromagnetic pulses (EMPs)
    – No utility liability for hacked data
    – Increased burglary risk
    – Increased metal and infrastructure corrosion
    – Impacts to building integrity
    – Job loss “” Environmental costs
    – Smart Grid/Smart Meters “” energy intensive
    – Weaponized RF
    – Control of household electrical use
    – FCC violations
    – Burdensome and excessive costs
    – Costs exceed benefits
    – Fraudulent claims and unavailable information
    – Strong-arm tactics by CPUC and utilities
    – Violation of jurisdiction and mandate by CPUC
    – CPUC procedural violations
    – No CEQA EIR
    – Violation of state and federal laws
    – Criminal negligence
    – Strengthening utility monopolies
    – Ignoring realities and open process
    Opt-out limitations
    Smart Meter opposition
    Legislative solutions
    Fiscal impacts
    Other states
    Prior or similar legislation
    Websites for additional information

    Antoinette “Toni” Stein PhD
    892 Arlington Ave
    Berkeley, CA 94707

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