Moreland Council calls for smart-meter halt – Moreland Leader
From Stop Smart Meters Australia:
Moreland Council calls for smart-meter halt “” Moreland Leader
Posted on March 15, 2012
MORELAND Council has backed a residents” fight against smart meters.
At last night”s meeting the council voted to write to Energy Minister Michael O”Brien requesting he order power distributor Jemena to stop installing the meters until the government had investigated their safety and made the results public.
It comes after confusion over whether the meters have been “exploding” after Jemena replaced 11 meters in Moreland, which it said were damaged by power surges and vandalism.
Cr Enver Erdogan”s motion included providing council resources to support “residents” democratic right to debate the issue” and a campaign spearheaded by the Broadmeadows Progress Association.
Cr Erdogan said the State Government should have consulted the community before implementing the plan to replace conventional electricity meters with smart meters in all Victorian homes and businesses by the end of 2013.
“We should be able to choose,” Cr Erdogan said.
His motion received a round of applause from the gallery.
via Moreland Council calls for smart-meter halt “” Council “” News “” Moreland Leader.
Related: Moreland smart meter scare
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