#1178: The Pandora Foundation & independent public health research
From Katharina Gustavs:
Last October Prof. Dr. Franz Adlkofer, Prof. Dr. Michael Kundi, and Prof. Dr. Karl Richter have established the Pandora Foundation in order to promote independent research in the area of public health. Now the foundation’s Web site is online. One of the first sponsored projects focuses on cell phone radiation and health effects.
“The MOPHORAD project is aimed at the clarification and characterization of cellular, sub-cellular and molecular processes that are relevant in disease development:
“¢ Assessment of mobile phone radiation absorption in children, adolescents, and adults in relation to their anatomical and physiological state.
“¢ Analysis of skin and buccal mucosa cells from adolescents and adults after mobile phone radiation exposure with regard to molecular-biological alterations in protein expression, gene expression, signal transduction and the structure of genes.
“¢ Analysis of isolated primary human brain cells from normal and tumour tissues of donors of different ages (after brain surgery) and of cell cultures of different generations (measured according to the amount of cell divisions) after mobile phone radiation exposure.
“¢ Investigation of the causal mechanisms that lead to genetic cell instability as well as alterations in gene expression and signal transduction in human fibroblasts after mobile phone radiation exposure.
“¢ Investigation of young rats after long-term mobile phone radiation exposure with regard to protein expression, gene expression, signal transduction, and the structure of genes in brain cells as well as to the development and function of the whole central nervous system.
The following scientific institutions intend to take part in the project: Medical University of Vienna; University of Basel; Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Helsinki; Foundation for Research on Information Technologies, Zurich; Zhejiang University; Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientifica, Madrid; Natural and Medical Sciences Institute at the University of Tuebingen; The Weizman Institute of Science. Coordination will be done by the VERUM Foundation in Munich that organized the REFLEX project.”
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