#1092: Report: ‘Electrosmog’ is an Emerging Public Health Issue
From Elizabeth Kelly:
Public News Service-WY
July 06, 2009
Report: ‘Electrosmog’ is an Emerging Public Health Issue
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Cell phones, wireless networks, and the developing “smart
grid” utility technologies are being hailed as progress for communication
and information, but the downside is an emerging public health issue. A
report documenting health hazards linked to wireless radiation, called
“electrosmog,” is landing on desks in Congress this week, issued by the
National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy (NISLAPP).
The document highlights the independent science on acute and chronic health
issues linked to exposure to the radiation, and the report authors call for
more scrutiny of federal safety guidelines for exposure. Magda Havas, Ph.D.,
is a co-author of the report and an associate professor of Environmental and
Resource Studies at Trent University, Peterborough, Canada. She has been
studying this health issue and says the range of potential public health
consequences is wide.
“Some people have no sensitivity, others have mild – might develop a slight
headache and recover very quickly – and some have debilitating migraines.”
Havas says compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) are emitters of
electrosmog, too. For those who suspect sensitivity, she recommends removing
all CFLs in the home and turning off wireless networks for a few days to see
if common symptoms such as headaches, fatigue and insomnia are alleviated.
Not everyone is convinced that electromagnetic radiation can be linked to
health problems. The industry argues that the this type of radiation is not
hot enough to cause tissue damage. According to Havas, independent
scientists report biological damage is done without the heat.
James Turner, chair of NISLAPP and Citizens for Health, says even when state
and local governments have concerns about health effects linked to cell
phone towers and Wi-Fi, they cannot do anything about it because the
Telecommunications Act of 1996 prevents them from taking action.
“These things need to be in the hands of local communities. So the first
thing to do is address changing the Congressional policy that was adopted,
cutting the local communities out.”
Havas says it is time to explore ways to make the technology safer and
reduce cumulative exposure.
“We simply cannot continue increasing our exposure and assume that it’s
going to have no adverse health effects. Adverse health effects are already
being documented.”
The report, “Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution,”
is available at
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