#916: More on the Pittsburgh Cancer Institute cell phone warnings
From Eileen O’Connor
Radiation Research Trust:
Breaking News from the USA
Warnings mobile phones and brain cancer.
BBC also covering the story:
US cancer boss in mobiles warning
The director of a leading US cancer research institute has sent a memo to thousands of staff warning of possible higher risks from mobile phone use.
Ronald Herberman, of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, said users should not wait for definitive studies on the risk and should take action now
Read More:
Please watch the short TV interview on mobile phones with Dr David Carpenter; he is presenting on the opening panel of the Radiation Research Trust conference in September, go to the RRT website to view his profile. http://www.radiationresearch.org
TV report:
Also watch this 5 minute video featuring Devra Davis, Ph.D., MPH, and Director of the Center for Environmental Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute. She was formerly an advisor to U.S. President Bill Clinton.
Shortcut to: http://gmy.news.yahoo.com/v/8956904
Kind Regards,
Eileen O’Connor
Radiation Research Trustee