#728: WHO workshop on Developing and Implementing Protective Measures for ELF EMF
From Roy Beavers:
A message to the bona fide EMF research community (re: the below WHO notice):
The premise of the study that WHO is proposing for the workshop cited below is wrong……
Their Invitation states that the “goals” of the workshop are limited to: “low cost health economics” recommendations. …. “To discuss the cost and feasibility of different options.”
Doesn’t that put the cart before the horse? It sounds like George Bush’s criterion in the Global Warming
scenario…… Only those options which do not disturb the “economic development” parameters will be
pursued. That is code word language for: PROFITS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN PEOPLE.
It is the exact opposite of the premise that should guide mankind’s attack on such global ‘health and
environmental’ threatening matters — which includes the EMF scenario. Until mankind succeeds in reversing that premise to something like, “PEOPLE ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN PROFITS,” … very little progress will be made.
If mankind cannot rely on WHO to turn such “global” health and environmental threats to criteria that put people ahead of profits — then, I ask, who will???
Roy Beavers (EMFguru)
WHO workshop on Developing and Implementing Protective Measures for ELF EMF
International Conference Centre, Geneva (CICG)
20-21 June 2007
Dear Sir/Madam,
On behalf of the WHO EMF Project I am pleased to announce our upcoming workshop, on the topic of Developing and Implementing Protective Measures for ELF EMF, which is being held in Geneva, Switzerland, next month.
More details on the aims of the workshop, a copy of the registration form, and practical information, can be found on our web site at: http://www.who.int/peh-emf/meetings/elf_emf_workshop_2007/en/index.html
Please feel free to disseminate this message further to any relevant networks and interested parties.
Lisa Ravenscroft | Secretary | Radiation and Environmental Health | World Health Organization | www.who.int/emf
20 Avenue Appia | CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland