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    #552: Revise power lines proposal, Canadian Cancer Society recommends

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    #552: Revise power lines proposal, Canadian Cancer Society recommends

    From Richard Johnson (TOR):

    Saturday » September 16 » 2006

    Revise power lines proposal, Canadian Cancer Society recommends
    Maureen Gulyas Delta Optimist

    Saturday, September 16, 2006


    The Canadian Cancer Society is recommending the power lines proposal through Tsawwassen be revised, if possible, due to the possibility that electromagnetic fields cause or promote cancer.

    The society’s B.C. Yukon chapter submitted its recommendation of “practical avoidance” to the Environmental Assessment Office this week. The EAO is reviewing health and environmental impacts of the proposed Vancouver Island Transmission Reinforcement Project.

    The plan is to increase power from 138 kv to 230 kv along a right-of-way in Tsawwassen that passes over 147 residential properties, schools and parks.

    “Basically our position is, even though there isn’t a huge basis of evidence, there’s enough to be concerned,” said Barbara Kaminsky, the society’s chief executive officer for B.C. and the Yukon. “Obviously when it comes to children and cancer, this strikes a very emotional chord in the community.”

    In July, the B.C. Utilities Commission approved a plan to install high voltage overhead lines through Tsawwassen despite residents’ concerns over EMF.

    “We recommend the EAO revise the transmission plan, if practical, in relation to power line routes directly over private residential property and school property,” Kaminsky said.

    The society’s new policy of prudent avoidance was developed after watching the debate in Tsawwassen. Kaminsky said it has now been adopted nation-wide.

    The cancer society recommends individuals limit their exposure to EMF, including limiting the amount of time children spend playing directly underneath power lines, updating household wiring and sitting at arm’s length from computers. “There is some evidence that suggests there is a link between childhood leukemia and EMF, but it’s not really definitive,” Kaminsky said.

    © The Vancouver Sun 2006

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