Comments on depression and EMR
From Betty Vanables:
Hi Don, a little more on depression your readers might find of interest Regards, Betty
From files of the EMR Safety Network Int’l
A female, mid sixties, had experienced bouts of depression over a number of years which were attributed medically to her disturbed sleep and personal problems. Though she had an aversion to drug therapy anti-depressants seemed the only solution, to which she resorted from time to time. Learning of EMR health effects she took steps to remove EMR from her bedroom with subsequent pleasing results in quality of sleep, lack of depression, general wellbeing, improved energy levels. Three years later circumstances necessitated a change in household arrangements that once again exposed her to the original levels of EMR. Over the next 8 “”10 weeks this woman experienced a distinct lowering of energy and wellbeing and a deepening depression the cause of which she could not discern. She lost interest in life and found it extremely difficult to start the day. Recalling her information on EMR she once again removed EMR from her sleeping area which resulted in her mood and depression lifting and a return to a cheerful manner and regaining an interest in her activities. Over a period of 10 days or so this lady experienced a gradual return to a depression-free healthier frame of mind.
Following are a few references linking depression and EMF/R where electromagnetic field therapy was used in treating Parkinson”™s Disease. (PD) (Ref.1) Some success has been achieved in treating the tremours of PD with EMF under controlled conditions with therapeutically administered doses at specific frequencies. These conditions are quite unlike those where random exposures to EMF have adverse effects on people, as their testimony reveals. Dr Sandyk”™s study reveals a number of neuropsychiatric diseases including depression , which are influenced by environmental cues, including magnetic fields.
1..Magnetic Fields and Seasonality of Affective Illness, Implications for Therapy. Intern. J of Neuroscience Sandyk R., et al. 1991. Vol 58.pp261-267
2.. Beale I L, Pearce N E, Conroy D M, Henning M A and Murrell K A, 1997. Psychological Effects of Chronic Exposure to 50 Hz Magnetic Fields in Humans Living Near Extra-High-Voltage Transmission Lines. Bioelectromagnetics, 18, 584-594.
3.. Dowson D I, Lewith G T, Campbell M, Mullee M and Brewster L A, 1988. Overhead High-Voltage Cables and Recurrent Headache and Depressions. The Practitioner, 232, 435-436.
4..Perry F S, Reichmanis M, Marino A A and Becker R O, 1981. Environmental Power-Frequency Magnetic Fields and Suicide. Health Physics, 41, 267-277.
5..Perry S, Pearl L and Binns R, 1989. Power Frequency Magnetic Field: Depressive Illness and Myocardial Infarction. Public Health, 103, 177-180.
6.. Poole C, Kavet R, Funch D P, Donelan K, Charry J M and Dreyer N A, 1993. Depressive Symptoms and Headaches in Relation to Proximity of Residence to an Alternating-Current Transmission Line Right-of-way. American Journal of Epidemiology, 137, 318-330.
7.. Reichmanis M, Perry F S, Marino A A and Becker R O, 1979. Relation Between Suicide and the Electromagnetic Field of Overhead Power Lines. Physiology Chemistry & Physics, 11, 395-403.
8..Savitz D A, Boyle C A and Holmgreen P, 1994. Prevalence of Depression Among Electrical Workers. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 25, 165-176.
9.. Van Wijngaarden E V, Savitz D A, Kleckner R C, Cai J and Loomis D, 2000. Exposure to
Electromagnetic Fields and Suicide Among Electric Utility Workers: A Nested Case-Control study. WJM, 173, 94-100.
10.. Verkasalo P K, Kaprio J, Varjonen J, Romanov K, Heikkilä K and Koskenvuo M., 1997. Magnetic Fields of Transmission Lines and Depression. American Journal of Epidemiology, 146, 1037-1045.
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