Permanent mutations in fruit flies by cell phone radiation
On May 3rd on this list I posted an article on how two German high school students investigated the influence of using a mobile phone on the red blood cells. Now we have a American high school student (below) researching for mutations in fruit flies exposed to wireless RF radiation. A growing trend I hope.
Its good that these young researchers didn’t first get expert advice from the likes of Motorola. According to Motorola’s brought-and-paid-for scientists, Swicord, Joyner and Elder, they already have all the data to show that all is wonderfully safe with cell phones, even for toddlers – so why waste scarce research funds on doing “unnecessary” research.
Replace “unnecessary” with “damaging” and its more to the point.
Permanent mutations in fruit flies by cell phone radiation
Radiofrequent radiation of cell phones, DECT wireless phones and radar causes mutations in fruitflies. That its the outcome of research by Danna Thomas, a 15 year old student of Broadneck High School in Annapalos MD, United States of America. She exposed five generations of fruit flies to radiofrequent radiation and counted the amount of changes of the wings of the fruit flies. She also checked the chromosomes of the fifth generation and compared them with a not exposed control group. It came out that 5 percent of the exposed fruit flies showed mutations, against 1,5 percent of the control group. Moreover, the changes in the exposed fruit flies were hereditary and those in the control group not. The mutations happened at radiation intensities lower than produced by a cell phone or DECT wireless telephone base. Danna Thomas was coached by Sujata Ives, teacher at Severna Park High School in Annapolis. She received a Grand Award from Merck Research Laboratories at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair 2005, Phoenix, Arizona.
Sources:Permanent mutations in fruit flies by cell phone radiation
1 Baltimore Sun, May 8, 2005,1,7625336.story?coll=bal-local-headlines&ctrack=2&cset=true
Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, Phoenix, Arizona, May 8-13, 2005
Finalist Directory, Medicine and Health, Grand Awards presented by Merck Research Laboratories.
ME 032. Prolonged effects of radio frequency radiation exposure: are cell phones and radar guns safe? Danna Elisabeth Thomas, 15, Sophomore, Broadneck Senior High School, Annapolis, Maryland. Teacher: Sujata Ives.
Frans van Velden M.Sc., fransp@dds