Professor Yuri Grigoriev (RNCNIRP) on Wi-Fi and health
From Sarah Purdy:
Professor Yuri Grigoriev on Wi-Fi and health
19th June 2012. Translation from the video:
Programme of the Russian Committee on the protection from non-ionising
radiation with regard to the need to introduce strict regulations on the use
of Wi-Fi in kindergartens and schools. [ the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection – RNCNIRP]
‘I have already been informed that pushy parents are already trying to get
this installed in kindergartens… Everybody sees Moscow… ‘
Mobile network connections are very popular amongst children of various
ages. The duration of conversations on mobile phones is higher for children
compared to the adult population. At the same time electromagnetic fields
and radio frequencies are irradiating the brain every day.
Furthermore, children are constantly subjected to electromagnetic radiation
and radio frequencies from the base stations round the clock.
The problem of preserving the health of children subject to the developing
conditions of wireless radio communications is referred to as a priority by
the World Health Organisation.
Next paragraph.
Electromagnetic radiation from Wi-Fi presents an additional burden to a
child whose body is in a state of development and whose mental activities
are in the formative stage. During this period children are most
susceptible to negative environmental factors.
WHO, Publication 3, April 2004
Furthermore it is necessary to highlight that the current regulations were
developed without taking into consideration this additional influence of
electromagnetic fields. We don”™t have these regulations yet.
Our Committee believes it is necessary to:
Firstly, draw the attention of the RF Ministry of Health and of all of the
other organisations responsible for the safety of the population, including
children, to the regulations regarding the use of Wi-Fi in kindergartens and
schools, and to increase the sanitary and epidemiological control over
the use of Wi-Fi, and the development of the relevant regulatory framework.
Secondly, to recommend the use of wired networks and not networks using
wireless broadband access systems, including Wi-Fi, in schools and
educational establishments.