• 13 APR 12
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    Former WHO head attacked by Michael Repacholi for “creating fear”

    Don’s comment: I find it interesting that Repacholi has offered to investigate Gro Brundtland! How about an investigation on Repacholi’s long standing links with industry.Simply go to the Microwave News web site’s search engine and plug in “Michael Repacholi”. For example:

    Microwave News ~ Repacholi Industry Consultant http://www.microwavenews.com/CT.html


    Originally from Mona Neilsson


    Former head of WHO’s EMF project and ICNIRP chairman says that Brundtland has created “fear of mobiles” in the population – and 3 largest newspapers in Norway publish the news SIMULTANEOUSLY! even with different wordings – Now what are the odds without tight orchestration?.
    http://www.aftenbladet.no/nyheter/lokalt/–Gro-har-skapt-mobilfrykt-i-befolkningen-2955702.html .

    Bergens Tidende : http://www.bt.no/nyheter/innenriks/–Gro-har-skapt-stralefrykt-i-befolkningen-2685239.html

    Aftenposten http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/iriks/–Gro-har-skapt-stralefrykt-i-befolkningen-6803186.html

    (text from Aftenbladet 12.04.2012. Machine-translated and cleaned by H. Eiriksson)

    Gro has created fear of mobiles in the population

    The long-standing leader of the WHO program for mobile telephony and health accuses former WHO chief Gro Harlem Brundtland for creating fear in the population. The reason is her openness about her becoming sick from mobile-phone radiation.

    In a Norwegian research report Brundtland is given responsibility for that many believe they are getting headaches from cell phone radiation. This comes from a documentary about the health risks of mobile telephony in the investigative magazine Plot.

    Gro is not alone

    From 1½ to ten percent of the population is estimated to be electrohypersensitive, in the worst case, half a million Norwegians. It’s been ten years since the former WHO Director Gro Harlem Brundtland came forward as electrohypersensitive.

    “It is not the sound but the electromagnetic waves I react from. And the sensitivity has become so severe that I react to mobile phones that are closer to me than about four meters, “said Brundtland.

    She was convinced it was mobile radiation that gave her headaches, and showed great understanding towards the scientists who warned of health hazards. The sensational interview went around the world, and still being discussed by scientists and NGOs.

    Gro has created fear.

    Michael Repacholi chaired for ten years the WHO research project on electromagnetic fields and health. It cost around 250 million dollars. None of the projects have been able to document the electromagnetic hypersensitivity. The Australian now breaks the silence in the Plot report. Asked whether he agrees that Brundtland’s statement has created fear in the population, he replied:

    – I agree massively! Completely agree! That was a very unfortunate thing to say. She was the ultimate in world health, said Repacholi, adding that electromagnetic hypersensitivity is particularly common in Scandinavia.

    Offered to investigate Gro

    Repacholi said he was refused to send out a press release from WHO about what science really knew about electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Repacholi also says that he offered to examine the WHO chief.

    – I said, “If you would like to be tested, can I obtain a laboratory. Then we can investigate this. “But you know, she was three to four levels above me in the WHO. You can’t tell her anything. And she is a very strong woman. She does not like to be told that this might be something psychological, Repacholi said the magazine Plot.

    -Delayed work on electromagnetic hypersensitivity

    Brundtland’s initiative made the issue of electromagnetic hypersensitivity so sensitive within the WHO, that work on the subject was frozen until she quit the following year, said Repacholi.

    In the book “Disconnect” (2010) by the American professor Devra Davis, it is even claimed that Repacholi went to the Board of WHO and branded Gro as crazy. An unnamed source is quoted that this incident contributed to her resignation as head of the WHO a year later.

    – That’s nonsense. Complete nonsense. I would have never been able to account for the Board of WHO. Or to get a Director General fired, said Repacholi.

    Norwegian researchers point to Gro-effect

    Both the WHO and the Norwegian Radiation Protection Agency refer to recognized research, that can not find evidence for electromagnetic hypersensitivity. They recognize the symptoms, but not that they are caused by mobile radiation. In a study from 2008, scientist Gunnhild Oftedal and colleagues conclude that electrical hypersensitive persons expect a detrimental effect when they are talking on the mobile phone. Therefore, the effect occurs. This is called a nocebo effect. The study goes a long way in providing Brundtland’s initiative and the subsequent media coverage with a shared responsibility for the widespread fear of radiation in the population.

    – It is very unfortunate that she, in her position, went out and jumped the gun with conclusions from own experiences, without having to rely on research. As head of the World Health Organization, she had easy access to such information, says Oftedal to Plot.

    – Gros silence a tragedy for the world

    Author Devra Davis regrets Brundtland’s ten-year silence about her electrical hypersensitivity. Via Plot, she sent the following message to her:

    “It is a tragedy for the world that we have lost an important, credible voice on such a difficult topic like radiation from mobile phones. Those of us who understand the complexity and importance of the field, have a duty to speak out about what we know, what we suspect and what we need to find out.”

    Brundtland has repeatedly been referred to the criticism and discussion of her in Plots documentary, but through her advisor, John Morland, has declined to comment.

    – She still does not want to comment on this, says Morland to newspaper Stavanger Aftenblad.

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