• 14 JUN 09
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    #1071: EMF protective devices and Voodoo science

    As concerns grow about the possible dangers from cell phones, especially for children, there is a corresponding increase in advertisements for all sorts of so-called protective devices. Purple Angels, Safety Butterflys, BioPro, Q-Link, Delta Shield, Waveshield, etc, etc. The one thing all these wondrous devices have in common, however, is that the only thing they reduce is your savings. Interestingly in Australia the people who were flogging Harmonic Products before they were canned by the ACCC were also working for the carrier Vodaphone selling mobile phone contracts. Interesting connection in that one! If I were working as a spin doctor for the Telcos that’s what I would recommend to deflect community concern. They even have a term for it “comforting the community”. Why worry (or protest) when a protective device will protect you and your loved ones.

    I disagree with Robert Park (below) on some things, but as for his comments on protective devices I am in total agreement. They are WORTHLESS. However, following the LA Times article is a great protective device developed by EMFacts Bio-placebo Corporation. Any takers I wonder?

    Don Maisch

    Sent in by Robert Gregory


    The LA Times, June 15, 2009

    Cellphone shields and brain cancer
    Experts are wary of devices’ claims to neutralize microwave radiation.
    By Chris Woolston
    June 15, 2009
    In the short time they’ve been around, cellphones have changed the world. Just 20 years ago — if you can believe it — you had to discuss dinner plans before you arrived at the grocery store. And just 20 years ago, you didn’t have to field work calls until you were actually at work.

    Cellphones gave us new ways to stay connected. For some, they also provided a new reason for worry. Cellphones release microwave radiation when they’re in use, a fact that inevitably led to fears of brain cancer.

    Just as inevitably, worries about brain cancer spawned a market for products that supposedly protect cellphone users. For $62, you can order a Delta Shield, a thin polyester patch that contains a microchip that allegedly renders cellphones harmless. Users are instructed to place the patch on their cellphone battery. The similar BIOPRO Cell Chip, sold online for $35, attaches to the outside of the phone. The penny-sized WaveShield 2000 Gold, selling for about $25, fits on the earpiece.

    The claims: The website for the Delta Shield claims that it is “the only cellphone protection device that has proven efficacy.” An unpublished scientific paper highlighted on the site supposedly shows that the device can convert harmful delta brain waves to helpful alpha waves.

    One site selling the BIOPRO Cell Chip site says its patented technology “has been proven in numerous scientific studies to neutralize the dangers of electromagnetic radiation from cellphones and other devices.” The site goes on to explain that the device “superimposes a low-frequency ‘noise field’ on EMR [electromagnetic radiation] that resembles the natural resonant frequencies of the body’s living cells. This effectively renders EMR harmless.”

    The site for the WaveShield 2000 Gold claims that the device can reduce radiation from the earpiece by “50-97%.” The company used to claim that similar devices blocked up to 99% of radiation coming from the antenna — the major source of cellphone radiation — until the FTC filed suit for false advertising in 2002.

    The bottom line: “Most [experts] think these devices are worthless,” says Richard Kaye, a former San Diego-based chiropractor and a Delta Shield business consultant. Though he is convinced the product works — for one thing, he says, the side of his head no longer gets warm when he uses his cellphone — two independent experts did, indeed, reach the opposite conclusion.

    “It’s a scam,” says Robert Park, professor emeritus of physics at the University of Maryland and author of “Voodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to Fraud,” published in 2000. “The claims they’re making aren’t very clear, but they are certainly wrong,” he says. “I’d stake my reputation on it, such as it is.”

    Claims of “natural resonant frequencies” may seem impressive, but Park says: “People have been talking about natural resonant frequencies for years, but I still don’t know what that is. It’s a meaningless statement.” He adds that the cheap devices are extremely unlikely to possess the type of technology it would take to really absorb, deflect or modify radiation in any meaningful way. He notes that radar jamming systems on stealth bombers have that sort of capability. A gadget that you can slap on your cellphone? Probably not.

    Dr. Ronald Herberman, director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute and one of the leading voices calling for caution with cellphones, says he is “not aware of any evidence supporting the claims of cellphone guards” and doesn’t recommend their use.

    He and colleagues recently offered 10 tips for reducing radiation exposure from cellphones, including holding them as far away from the head as possible, using them for only a few minutes at a time and keeping them away from children. Cellphone shields didn’t warrant a mention.

    Shield or no shield, the hazards of cellphones are far from certain. Park, for one, believes that the microwaves released by cellphones don’t have enough energy to break apart strands of DNA, the type of damage that could possibly set the stage for cancer. Herberman agrees that cellphone radiation “cannot directly damage DNA,” but he also thinks that cellphone radiation could still indirectly scramble genetic material in ways that have yet to be explained.

    Findings on safety so far have been mixed. Researchers at the University of Utah recently pooled together the results of nine studies that looked for a link between cellphone use and brain cancer. As reported in the Journal of Neuro-Oncology in 2008, they found no sign that frequent cellphone users were more likely than anyone else to get brain cancer. A Danish study of more than 420,000 people also found no connection between cellphones and cancer, even in people who had used the phones for more than 10 years.

    However, Australian researchers who examined 11 previous studies comparing people with and without brain tumors concluded that using a cellphone for more than 10 years more than doubled the risk of developing a brain tumor on the side of the head where a person usually used the phone. (It’s worth noting that some of the individual studies that they looked at concluded that cellphones didn’t raise cancer risk.)

    In the face of that uncertainty, Herberman urges caution. That’s caution — not cellphone shields.

    Curious about a health product? Send an e-mail health@latimes.com. Read more at latimes.com/skeptic.


    Worried about your mobile phone? No more with the Bio-Placebo USH Pendant

    A new product from the EMFacts Bio-Placebo Corporation

    This amazing EMF protective device was developed over a period of 15 years by leading Bioelectromagnetic researchers in Australia, New Zealand and the Highlands of New Guinea. Called the “Bio-Placebo USH Pendant” it is based on leading edge scientific and psycho-logical research which has resulted in the harnessing and utilizing of the potential power we at Bio-Placebo call “Universal Self Healing” (USH). This unique concept in self-protection was previously known only to the sacred Shamen-Voodoo doctors of the New Guinea Highlands where they harnessed this energy inside sacred pendants to ward off ill health of mind and body as well as evil spirits, curses, and marauding head hunters.

    The EMFacts Bio-Placebo Corporation was formed in early 1999 to develop and market this amazing discovery to solve the problem of Technological Illness (T-I) associated with our modern wireless world. Do you suffer from “electrosensitivity”, does your mobile phone give you headaches? Are you worried about possible brain tumors from your phone use? Is it safe to give your kids that 3G phone or Wi-Fi gismo?

    As we say in Australia, no more bloody worries!

    We all know of apparent “miracle cures” where life threatening diseases, such as terminal cancer have suddenly stopped their progression and the individual has returned to good health. Sometimes this has been said to be due to an act of God, faith healing or some another technique that has somehow sparked off the healing. The big questions we at Bio-Placebo wanted an answer for were:
    (1) What is the fundamental source of these ‘miracle’ healings.
    (2) determine how it could it be harnessed in a scientific device to protect one”s health in the modern technological age.
    (3) How to make a fortune for us, and our agents, marketing the product.

    Universal self-healing

    The classic book on the health effects of electromagnetic radiation; “Cross Currents: The Perils of Electropollution / The Promise of Electromedicine” by Robert O. Becker, mentions a classic case of the power of the subconscious to create a state of ‘universal self healing’ that cured an incurable case of terminal cancer – the so called mysterious “Placebo Effect”. (Pages 88-89)

    The case mentioned by Robert Becker is but of many that we at Bio-Placebo Corporation have in our extensive data-base. Our research has led us to a fundamental understanding of the subtle energy that energizes what we call “universal self healing”, an unrecognized power that lies within all of us.

    Unfortunately this power is deeply buried within us and in cases where amazing cures or faith healing do happen, the curative power is incorrectly considered an external force. Unfortunately very few people realize that the real force lies within. In the case mentioned in Robert Becker”s book, the unfortunate man was unable to maintain his state of “universal self healing” because he did not have the power of our Pendant to super-charge his immune system . The EMFacts Bio-Placebo Corporation now offers the way to true and permanent healing, the “Bio-Placebo USH Pendant”.

    The “Bio-Placebo USH Pendant” can be worn around the neck or conveniently placed in the pocket or even stuck on your cell phone. Buried within the pendant are special rare earth elements found only in the submerged blast-crater of the former Krakatoa Volcano. They are harmonically combined to resonate stochastically with the wearer”s own bio-field creating an enhancement of the body-mind morphagenic matrix which then “turns on” the full power of the person’s immune system. This is the true state of “universal self healing”, which is often referred to in ancient writings and is the same power utilized by the great mystics.

    Worried about your cell phone or that base station hidden in your neighbor’s roof? Are you being zapped with secret Tesla mind control weapons by Homeland Security or the Illuminati? No need for any worries now – provided you are protected by the Bio-Placebo USH Pendant. Better buy one for each of your family members and we even have a special model for the family pets as well.

    As a special introductory offer we at EMFacts Bio-Placebo Corporation can sell individual “Bio-Placebo Pendants” for the special price of only $475 US Dollars each (postage and handling extra).

    If you care about the health of your family a “Bio-Placebo USH Pendant” is a necessity for all.

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    Discounts offered to network distributors.

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