#544: Russian papers on electromagnetic weapons
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From L. Milnes:
Dear Don
This new information from Russia on weapons based on electromagnetic principles comes from the California mindjustice group, and can be found at www.mindjustice.org under “russian research”.
Mindjustice is supported by Cheryl Welsh, who is also a United Nations adviser on electromagnetic weapons.
From your point of view,, I think the interest lies in the fact that if bio-electromagnetic weapons exist and are researched at government level (as they demonstrably have been for decades), clearly EM fields must have adverse effects on the human body.
Two articles follow:
The first – a russian science article published this year (2006) –
discusses the 2001 russian law on the prohibition of electromagnetic weapons:
Grigoriev O.A.1, Grigoriev Y.G.2, Stepanov V.S.2, Chekmarev O.M.3
1. Center of electromagnetic safety*, Moscow
2. SSC (State Scientific Center) Institute of biophysics, Moscow
3. Center of State sanitary control of administrative department of
President of the Russian Federation, Moscow
The principle possibility of the use of biological action of the
electromagnetic field (EMF) by terrorist elements is examined, and also the respective possible ways, methods and aims of electromagnetic influence on bio-object, corresponding measures on warning of negative consequences of such influence are analyzed. The article is prepared on the basis of the materials of lecture by authors at the 2nd International conference “World
association against globalization of criminality and terrorism”, held in Moscow on January 20-21, 2004.
Grigoriev O.A.1, Grigoriev Y.G.2, Stepanov V.S.2, Chekmarev O.M.3
Published in Russian in ” Annual of Russian National Committee on
Non-Ionising Radiation Protection 2004-5″ Moscow, 2006, page 205-216. The following translation to english by UC Davis student, Tatiana Kanare, August 2006.
The book begins in english: “The possible threat analysis of the EMF technologies applications in terrorist activity is presented for the first time.”
The article ends in english: “Analyses of Possibility Threat of The
Bioelectromagnetic Terrorism. The possiblity of the bioelectromagnetic terrorism is discussed in this article. It was analyzed main aims, ways and methods of EMF effects
for biologics objects. In opinion of authors, EMF will be able to using for bioelectromagnetic terrorism in futures. “